The eye of the dragon

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I jumped off Toothless and charged Viggo, sword out. Fishlegs cut Heather free she charged to. Viggo simply snapped his fingers and hunters surrounded us.

Viggo laughed.
"Very good try my boy. Time to say farewell." He said.

I glanced at Heather. Her face stone. There was no emotion. Her grip was tight on her axe.
"You know, Hiccup. I expected​ better from you. You were lead into this trap, and now, you are about to end not just your life, not just your Dragons, but your entire team. And the princess of DunBroch." Viggo said.
"And what's surprising, Viggo, is that you didn't account for every factor . " A new voice said.

Suddenly all hunters were down.
"What in the devil?!?" Ryker and Viggo asked.

Stormfly flew in
"Spine shot!" The voice said.

The Grimborn Brothers dodged Stormfly's spines. And behind them stood Astrid. Axe out.
"Astrid!" I called.

Heather smiled, tears falling and ran to her best friend, hugging her.

They pulled away.
"HEATHER!" Astrid and everyone warned her.

Viggo was behind her, dagger out. Astrid pushed her out the way and caught Viggo's had.
"Agh!" He groaned as she twisted his hands.

He fell to his knees. Heather kicked him in the back, causing him to fall forward. Astrid retrieved the satchle and took the Dragon eye from Viggo's tunic.
"I'll take that thank you." She said.

I smiled. Everyone ran to her and hugged her. Even Merida. I was about to make my way over to her. But then I remembered.
She had the Dragon eye all along... I thought.

Heather noticed and pointed to me. Astrid turned and saw me. She smiled and came over to me.
"Hiccup." She said happily.
"Astrid." I said, no emotion.

Her face fell.
"What? What did I do?" She asked.
" had it all along..." I said.
"Why? WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME?!?" I screamed

She took a step back in fear. Toothless ran in front of her and growled. But he looked sad. I felt my face fall. If Toothless chose Astrid over me, to protect her from me, something was wrong. He stopped.
"A-astrid?" I asked.

She didn't say anything. She just walked over to the wall on the left.
"Oh Thor..." I muttered.

Toothless whined. I scratched his ear. I looked up. Everyone was still in the same place, but they were looking at me as if I was crazy.
"Hiccup...she just got her memory back...and you yelled at her..." Merida said slowly.
"What is wrong with you?!?" Snoutlout and Heather asked storming towards me
"So, the dragon eye is more important than her?" Snoutlout asked angirly
"Hiccup. I thought you were better than that." Heather said.

Thier words hurt. But I ignored them and walked over to Astird. She was looking at the wall, hand on a drawing of the Dragon eye.
"Hiccup... I-I..." She stopped and cleared her throat.
"I found this before I was captured. These are plans. Where thier trading next and who with and what it is. This is also a agenda. Of attacks. We're number one. Two weeks from today. We need to get back to the edge and... Hiccup..." She said
"HICCUP MOVE!" She screamed drawing a dagger that I had made for​ her.

She shoved me out the way, I landed hard on the ground.
"What the-" I started

I was cut off by a scream. Astrid scream. I liked up, she was on the ground next​ to Viggo.
"NO!" Everyone yelled running towards her.

Tuff and Fishlegs tied up Viggo. Heather had Astrid in her lap, Merida had Astird's head in her lap. Snoutlout was behind Heather, staring in disbelief. I slid next to Heather who was crying. I held Astrid's hand.

I looked at her side. Blood was gushing out. I threw off my armour and ripped off my shirt. I tied it around her waist but the blood soaked through​ it. Heather gave her to me and Merida sobbed onto my shoulder while Heater did to Snoutlout.
"Come on Ash! Come on! Stay with me!" I pleaded

Her eyes were half open. Her breathing became shallow. She squeezed my hand. Tears fell from my eyes.

I stood and mounted Toothless. Merida hopped on Stormfly. Everyone mounted thier dragons and we took off.
(Time skip)

We landed on DunBroch and everyone ran out. Dad and Merida's parents came out. Elenore saw Astrid and tears came to her eyes. Merida ran to her and cried with her.
"Son! Are...oh no..." Dad said seeing Astird.

King Furgus called for a nurse. She came out and lead me to the castle​.

I laid Astrid down.
"How long has she been like this?" She asked
"About an hour. We flew as fast as we could." I said brushing some hair out of her eyes.

She closed her eyes.
"No..." I whipered.
"No. Sweetie. You have to stay awake." The nurse said.

Astrid opened her eyes half way.
"Don't close your eyes." The nurse said.

I talked to Astrid. She held my hand. Like it was her life source.
"Hold her steady."
"What?" I asked.

Astrid screamed in pain and squeezed​ my hand, almost cutting off my blood circulation.
"No! No, it's ok...its ok..." I whipered.

I placed my head against hers. She cried scilently.  I glanced at the nurse. She was cleaning​ the wound.
"By King Furgus's sword! This is to deep. I have to stich it close." She said.

She opened the door.
"You three, come here!" She said.

Merida, Heather, and Snoutlout ran in.
"Hold her down. She can't move."

We nodded and held her down. She began to stich. Astrid had fallen asleep, but she screamed in pain and started to fight us.
"Hold her still!"
"Astrid! Stop!" The others pleaded.

I kissed her and she stopped. I pulled away and the nurse continued. After awhile, I was sitting alone in the room, holding Astird's hand.

"Come on Ash...wake up... please..." I whispered.

Toothless came in with Stormfly and moaned. They laid down, never taking their eyes off of Astrid.

She opened​ her eyes.
"A-astrid​?" I asked

I hugged her and she hugged back.
"Oh, thank Thor!" I whipered into her hair.

We pulled away.
"Astrid, I am so sorry. For everything. For wishing away your memories, for yelling at you, for-"

She cut me off.
"'s ok..." She said.

I sighed and hugged her.
"So... Your marring Merida... Tommorow..." She whispered.

My eyes widened. I didn't even realize it.
"Ash... I'm... I-i don't want to marry her..." I whipered.

She gasped.
"I don't want to marry Merida."
"Why? She... She can give you everything!"
"I don't want everything​... I don't want her."
"Then what do you​ want?"
"I can't tell you."
"I can show you."
"Then do it."
"You have to promise you won't punch me."
"This is why." I said.

I slammed my lips on hers. I felt her body stiffen. She relaxed and kissed back. I held her close and she ran her hands through my hair. We pulled away gasping for air.

We kissed agian. We pulled away and she hugged me.
"I love you..." I whispered.
"I love you to..."

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