The plan.

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(Viggo's POV)
"Viggo. There's someone here to see you." Ryker said entering the tent.
"Well by all means big brother, let them in." I said

He gave me a stiff nod and opened the tents entrance wider. A hooded figure stepped in. I looked at the igsinia.
"Ah, to what do I own this pleasure?" I asked.
"Viggo Grimborn. It's nice to see you. I have a proposition for you. Do you know a rider named Astrid Fearless Hofferson?" The hooded figure asked.
"Why yes. As a matter of fact, I do. Why?"
"I want you to dispose of her."

I laughed.
"I've been trying for almost a year. With how skilled and smart she is, it's not that easy. But, what's in it for us?" I asked as Ryker came  came to stand behind me.

They held out a sack and dropped it on the table. I heard money I stood and opened it, gawking. Ryker did to.
"So. What is your plan?" I asked taking he money.
"She has lost her memory. As we speak the princess and the riders are attempting to gain her memory back. Hiccup will not leave her side. He's betrothed to the princess, but shows more interest in Astrid. We need a reason to make Hiccup trust her less. He's been going on about something named...The dragon eye."

I pulled the Dragon eye out of my drawer
"Yes." I said.
"My idea is that... Ryker. May you leave for a while?" The person asked.

He nodded and left.  The person whispered their plan in my ear. I grinned evilly.

I placed the Dragon eye in a satchle and handed it to them.
"I promise​ you will get it back. One way or another." Hey said slinging the satchle over their shoulder.
"I believe you. Tonight?"
"Very well. I shall prepare my vessel. Safe travels, Queen Eleolnore." I said as she turned and left.

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