Dragon eye

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We landed around the corner of the fortress. Snoutlout helped me off Stormfly.

We moved to the side of fortress.
"Ok. You all stay here. If anything happens just go. Don't wait for me. Don't come for me. Just get the dragon eye, and go." I said.

I turned to go in. I felt two hands grab both of mine.
"Astrid." Two boys said.

I turned. It was Snoutlout and Hiccup.
They stared at me. Like, I was about to die.
"If anything gose wrong, just... promise me you guys, all of you, will get out of here." I said.
"We will. Just...p-promise us... promise me, nothing will go wrong." Hiccup said.

I heard the door closing. I yanked my hands away and rolled inside, being consumed in darkness as the door closed.

A torch lit up on my right. I grabbed it and lit the one on the left. All of the torches in the hallway lit up instantly. I took a deep breath and made my way through the dark hallway. After a while, I came into the center of the base. It was huge. There was a circlular pedestal in the middle of the room, the outline was trimmed in gold. The room was dimly lit with fire.
There was a throne out lined with gold and made if a dark red stone. I looked around. There was nothing. I opened my satchle and placed the Dragon eye on the pedestal. I turned to leave, but something caught my eye.

A heavy dark brown cloth was thrown over something against the wall. It was flapping gently in the wind from a slightly​ opened window.

I crept towards it and placed a hand on the cloth. I took a deep breath, drew my axe and pulled it down. I gasped at the sight.
"This...this is huge... Hiccup... I got to tell Hiccup..." I whispered.

I turned
"No. You wont." A deep voice said.

(Hiccup's POV)
I was pacing back and forth.
"Hiccup. I'm sure Astrid's fine. She's a strong and smart lass." Merida said.
"No. Somethings wrong...she should of been back by now." I said.
"Hiccup-" Fishlegs started.
"No. He's right." Snoutlout and Heather said.

We peeped around the corner. The door was opened.
"Um...didn't that close?" Ruff asked.
"I don't-" I started.

We heard a scream. And not just any scream.
"Astrid." I breathed.

We hopped on our dragons and flew in.

We arrived at the center room. My heart stopped​. Dauger stood off to the left of the throne, a knife at Astrid's throat, he had her in a choke hold. Her hands were holding onto his arm that he used to choke hold her. Her face was deathly pale and her eyes were half shut.

Ryker stood to the right of the throne, sword out.

And in the throne sat Viggo. Hands folded in his lap, smiling evilly. He had the dragon eye in his hands.

"Well, well. Look who we have here. Hiccup. How are you doing my dear boy?"
"Astrid!" I called out to her.

She didn't move. Her feet were dangling from the air.
"Now,now. She's fine for now​..."
"No she's not you devil!" Merida said knocking her bow.

We all drew our wepons.
"Dauger." Viggo said

He pressed the know agianst Astrid throat.
"NO!" I screamed with everyone else.

Toothless prepared to blast him
"No bud! You might hit her..." I said

He stopped and growled, extracting his teeth.
"What do you want Viggo?" Heather asked

I glanced back at her. She was fighting tears. Everyone was. Even the twins.

"Me? Oh, I don't want anything. My...charge wants me to dispose of Astrid." He said standing.

"...V-viggo....you....y-you promised...." Astrid struggled
"What?" I asked.

Viggo laughed.
"What a wonderful story I have to tell you."

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