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I was walking through the village. Merida and I have been married for two years now. Of course, Elenore expected us to have children. She said the expectation of grandchildren was...well... seven. And the first was on her way. Well, at least I thought it was a girl. Merida says boy.

I saw Astird and Snoutlout sitting  with Astrid and thier little girl, Alva. She was the cutest thing. But... whenever I saw her, I couldn't​ help but be sad. Knowing that Astrid and Snoutlout had a child. Willing?  Nope. Not by far.

Astrid and Snoutlout were forced into marriage by thier house holds. Two weeks after my marriage to Merida. The houses were not satisfied yet. They demanded that they have a child. The whole village was at the meeting.
"I swear if you don't provide us with grandchildren soon-" Spitliout said threateningly.
"For once I agree with a  Jorgensen." Astird's dad said.
"We haven't even been married for three weeks!" Astrid argued.
"She's right. As always." He said. But he wasn't flirting.
"Jorgensens and Hoffersons. Calm down." My dad said.
"No. We need an heir for our houses!"
"Yes, but not now!" Astrid and Snoutlout said in unison
"Either that or war."

The entire room fell silent.
"F-fine...how many?"  Astrid asked
"THREE?!?" Snoutlout asked loudly.

Astrid clenthed her fist.
"Fine. But you are all horrible parents. We are only nineteen." Astrid said

They stormed out of the Great Hall.

I remembered​ it like it was yesterday.  But it was two years ago. Astrid was three months pregnant with the second child.

Alva saw me and ran up to me.
"Alva? Oh! Hi Hiccup." Astrid said noticing as Alva ran to me.

Alva reached up to me. I smiled and picked her up.
"Hey Ash. Snoutlout." I said greeting them.

They came up to me
"It's pirate!" Alva said.
"Huh?" I asked

Astrid and Snoutlout laughed.
"Your name is apparently Pirate. You know. Because of the..." Snoutlout said
"Oh! I get it." I laughed.

Alva reached out to Astrid and she took her from me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked Astrid.
"I'm fine. I'm just three months in. The real question is, how's Merida?" She asked.

"Any day now. She's fine." I said petting Toothless.

Alva had fallen asleep in Astird's arms.
"Hey Ash. Can I talk to you?" I asked nervously.
"Sure. Could you take her home?" She asked Snotlout.
"Sure." He said taking Alva from her.

We were alone. In the middle of the village. Why? Everyone was out flying thier dragons today.
"So...how are things?" I asked
"Hiccup. I know you better than this. What's wrong?" She asked.

We sat down.
"I-I don't know...this is just...a-awkward? I mean like, we haven't​ hung out much lately."
"Define lately."
"Two years."

She turned away from me.
"You...you know why."
"Is this about Merida being pregnant?"
"I'm over it?"
"You just lied."
"It's the whole thing!"
"How do you think I felt when I found out you and Snoutlout were pregnant? And the second time? Thor, I'm going to have to go through that agian!"
"And I'm going to have to go through with the exact same feeling six more times!"

We stopped and stared at each other.
"We still aren't over eachother. Are we?" I asked.
"We're not... And I don't think we ever will be."

A desperate roar was heard. I turned around to see Lilly, Merida's Monsters Nightmare, running towards me.
"Uh, what?" I asked.
"I think you should head home." Astrid said

An ear splitting scream rang through the village.
"I think Merida just went into labor." Astrid said.

I gasped and ran home with Toothless and Lilly.

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