Ch 11: Cornered

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It's my second day back at school and I'm getting more comfortable with the guys again. I can still tell they prefer to hang out in their smaller groups, but hey--bonding isn't going to happen overnight right?

Another school day has passed and I'm currently holding the mascot costume and waiting outside the locker room for Karen. It's her turn to wear it to the games and she told me to wait here and she'd be by after she grabs a new fan she bought for the inside of the head from her car. She's taking an awfully long time. Maybe I missed her...

"Hey Sang! Want me to hold that for you?" Jay asks as he approaches me from boys side of the locker room. He doesn't wait for me to answer, he just takes the costume out of my hands and leans against the wall with me.

I thank him and study him curiously. He's wearing his practice uniform for football. "Karen's already taking the basketball games, doesn't that mean football season is over? Why are you going to practice?" North and Silas didn't mention anything about football...are they still playing?

"We made it to the final round of playoffs back in December before break, but since the game got postponed..." He trails off like I'm supposed to fill in the blanks, but I'm not getting it. My blank face encourages him to continue. "You know, because of the bomb threats at the stadium."

A little alarm goes off inside me and my heart starts panicking, but I pretend everything is normal and nod my head like I'm completely aware of the situation. Jay knows me too well though and gives me a frown. "You have no idea what I'm talking about do you?"

I squeak out a small no and he lets out a huge sigh. "Great! Did I scare you? It's no big deal, just probably some thugs pulling a prank. I thought your friends would have told you. of those guys."

I shake my head, "They probably didn't think to mention it." I give a little shrug and go to ask him more questions about the incident when the girls locker room door bursts open and Jade storms out in a cloud of perfume and cigarette smoke and something else. The same smell that came from the bathroom stall yesterday.

I hear a voice calling after her from inside the locker room, "Jade!! I need it by tomorrow!" I recognize the voice as Karen's. Wait...she's been inside this entire time? I knew I missed her!

Jade stops dead in her tracks and slowly turns around. Pausing to give me a long sneering look before facing Karen. "You'll have it by the end of practice." She glances at her twin brother who has put on his stone cold face that he reserves only for his sister. Jade smirks, "Hi baby brother. Keeping watch over the children?" She says glancing back at me.

"Fuck off Jade. Don't break a nail waving your pom poms around." Jay comments. As his sister leaves he turns to Karen and hand her the mascot costume. "What did you need from my sister."

Karen rolls her eyes at him, "The basketball roster and schedule."

"You can get a copy from the coaches office" Jay says casually like Karen should have known that already. I didn't know that so I can't blame her for asking Jade.

"Thanks" she snaps, "I'll do that." She enters the locker room with mascot uniform and I'm left with Jay in the empty hallway.

"Need a ride home?" He asks me.

"No, Kota is taking me." I pick up my bag and start to leave.

"I'll walk you to his car, Sang." Jay says as he steps in line next to me.

I shake my head in frustration. Don't my friends think I can do anything on my own! "Jay, I'll be fine. I'm just headed to parking lot. Kota and Nathan are waiting for me there. I'll be fine on my own walking down a couple hallways." I add a little puppy dog eyes so he doesn't argue with me. It works, because he lets me go with a 'see you tomorrow' and runs out towards the football field.

As I walk down the hallways I wonder about how Gabriel is going to ask me to Winter Formal. I'm a little apprehensive about it. I don't want him to make a big deal out of it in front of the entire school. I embarrass easy and this seems like a sure fire way to make me turn beet red. Then there's the other issue. He's going to be asking me and the other guys won't have a chance to. I should talk to Gabriel about it...ask him to keep it low key. My thoughts continue to come in bursts; thoughts of the dance and my upcoming date with Silas fogging my attention. Distracting me enough to run into someone smack dab in the middle of the hallway.

"Watch it, bitch!" Jade snaps. She's standing in the middle of the hallway with one hand on her hip and the other holding a joint. Again, it doesn't smell like weed.

"Sorry." I say quietly and duck my head as I attempt to go around her. I could swear she wasn't even walking when I bumped into her. She had to have been just standing there.

"What was that?" She says as she blows a puff of smoke in my face. It makes me cough which in turn makes her laugh. "Such a baby. I have no idea what North sees in you. He needs someone more experienced like me. Right girls?"

It's only when she asks the question that I see Tara and Sara step out of the shadows. Where has my Academy training gone? I've never been this unaware! "Right." Tara agrees, "North doesn't need a little princess like you."

The girls start circling me and I can't find an opening to escape. I could fight them off, but they aren't really doing anything. I could get in trouble if I decide to punch one.

Sara takes a drag from Jade's joint before pointing it at me and saying, "A sweet cupcake like you needs to stay away from all the hot guys. Your frosting might melt."

What did she just say about frosting?  I look at her in confusion and she acts like she's contemplating something. "Hmmm, yeah you need a nerdy guy. Because you're a nerd. How about that Kota kid." Sara says.

Tara chimes in, "Yeah he's good at math and stuff. You'd be perfect together."

"No!" Jade barks at her minions. "He's kinda hot, I might want a turn with him later. I don't want this Sang bitch tainting him."

I scoff under my breath and mumble, 'You're the tainted one.'

"What did you just call me?" Jade snaps as she grabs my jaw. Tara and Sara move quick and they each grab my arms. Must be those cheerleading reflexes...I didn't even have time to think. Jades hand is clenched around my jaw; her nails digging into my cheeks. She blows more smoke in my face and the smell of it burns through my nose. I try to hold my breath, but smoke still makes it in and scratches at my throat. A burning sensation that's also relaxing in a peppermint, but without the flavor.

"No...smoking...on...campus." I manage to squeak out through clenched teeth.

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