Ch 12: Big Money

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It's Thursday after school and Karen and I have just arrived at Bob's Diner for our shifts. Even after practicing earlier in the year I'm still not comfortable at being a waitress. I think my friends turned me off that for a good while. Karen doesn't seem to mind, she asked me again today if I wanted to try again during the slow hours and I declined. She responded with, "More tips for me!"

As I stand behind the counter I watch her handle all the customers. She makes it look so easy. She takes their orders, picks up the drinks from my counter, delivers food, checks on everyone. It's effortless for her and I wish I could do exactly that, but I seem to have two left feet unless I'm in serious trouble. When trouble rolls around the training my parents gave me kicks in...too bad they didn't teach me how to juggle a tray full of drinks!

That's another thing I can't do. Karen said I didn't have to be cooped up behind the counter during my entire shift. She said I could deliver drinks. My first table was a party of six that soon turned into zero after I spilled the tray of drinks on them.

I was so worried I was going to be fired on the spot. Karen came running over to help clean up the mess as the customers demanded to speak to the owner. They wanted Uncle to fire me, but he just laughed and told them to get their "uppity asses out of his diner and never come back". Those would have been paying customers and I messed it up! I felt so bad I offered to give up my pay for the day. Uncle refused of course and told me that there are times when you have to stick by your employees and that the customer isn't always right.

I understood a little about what he meant. After sticking up for me I felt safer at the diner. I wouldn't mess things up on purpose, but I knew if I made an honest mistake Uncle would understand and let me learn from it. I appreciated him in a new way as my boss from that point forward.

"Sang!" I hear someone shouting. It snaps me out of my daydreaming and I see Karen waving her hands in front of me. "The phone is ringing and I need these drinks out." She hands me a slip with the short list of drinks and I start to grab the glasses as I pick up the phone.

"Hello, Bob's Diner." I greet the person on the other end.

"Do you guys cater parties?" The male voice asks.

I'm just about done filling the drink order so I wave Karen over to I can ask her if we cater. She nods her head tells me they need at least a two hour notice. I relay the information and the customer gives me his order and I tell him it will be ready for pick up in two hours.

"Great, can't wait to try these world famous grilled cheese sandwiches!" He exclaims and I try to stifle my giggle. Luke told me the story about these famous sandwiches. They aren't famous at all--Uncle just thought more people would order them if he named them that. North tried to get him to remove it as he believed it was false advertising. Uncle refused saying he'd just put the 'world famous' part in quotes like it's just an expression, not an actual description. They are really good though, so none of our customers have been disappointed after ordering the not so famous grilled cheeses. Maybe one day they will be famous.

I finish totaling the order including all the side dishes and drinks. "Your total is going to be two-forty eight. What name do I put the order under?"


I say goodbye and end the phone call only to have the phone ring again with another to go order. This one is small so it's easy to take down. Even though the counter isn't where the action is I feel like all this multitasking is exciting! I get to handle the drinks, take phone orders and charge the bills for customers. Soon it's time for our first break when Wil arrives for his shift. He reminds me of my encounter with Jade yesterday. It's not his fault though so I give him a small smile when he waves at me.

"Let's go girl!" Karen says as she drags me out back for some fresh air during our break. She grabbed a couple muffins on the way out and hands me one. "Is it okay to take these?" I ask her. Hesitating to open the wrapper.

"Of course, Sang! I'm not a thief!" She shouts loudly, her hand comes up to her chest like she's offended. "Uncle lets employees have one pastry during first break and also one meal from the menu for dinner break."

"Oh, no one told me."

"I'm telling you now." She takes a big bite of her muffin and begins talking before she even finished chewing, "Besides, didn't you read the employee handbook?"

Handbook? There's a handbook? I'm so clueless!! How come I didn't get one of those. "Ummm, nope." I say with a tinge of embarrassment.

"Sang, what are we going to do with you." She shakes her head and sighs before giving me a big grin to let me know she's joking. Before we head back in Karen sorts her tips. She made a lot of cash this afternoon! I watch as she folds and puts the small bills in her left apron pocket and then puts the larger bills in her right apron pocket. I even saw a couple twenties!! I really need to get over this clutz business of mine and be a waitress.

At my shock at how much she made I was only able to state the obvious. "You made a lot today."

She laughs, "Big money, big money!! It helps when it's busy...and when you're the only waitress" She gives me a wink and I laugh.

"When do you think you'll be ready to wait tables? And you can't copy my candy idea! Get your own schtick." She tells me with a chop on my arm.

Karen is referring to the little packet of candies she leaves at each table when she sets the bill down. I glanced at the colorful packet filled with pop rock like hard crystals. I wonder if they are sour or sweet?? "Do you leave a candy at every table?" I ask her as I kind of remember some of the customers didn't get one.

"Nah...I can't afford that! I don't give any to people I know will leave a tip, nor people I know won't leave a tip. You just get that vibe from them....or you screw up their meal! The others that are on the fence--they get a candy to push them over the edge."

"Maybe I'll leave little thank you notes when I'm a waitress." I tell her trying to think of a way to increase my tips.

Karen laughs at that idea. Like a full on belly laugh; she almost can't catch her breath when she speaks, "Sang...Sang...noooo...thank you notes?...that's so lame!"

Now that I think about it, the idea is kind of lame and I join in on the laughter. Karen smiles at me, "Forget the thank you notes. Sang, you are so hot you won't need notes or candy to get tips. People will wait in line to get seated at one of your tables! I'm going to have to up my game if I want to keep my customers and tips. Forget the candy I'm giving out! I'll have to start lacing them with drugs! Keep them coming back for another high." We both crack up at Karen's over the top exaggerations. I don't really believe her when she says I'm hot. How would she know what others think?

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