Ch 8: In the Dark

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3 Days Later - Sang's First Day Back at School...


The feeling I had this morning is what I believe other people have felt like on the first day of school. It's not my first day, but my real first day was filled with fear and anxiety. I felt those same things today, but it's coupled with excitement, anxiousness and giddiness. I love learning and I'm glad to be back. I can't wait to see my friends and for us to all be together again, but the fear and anxiety this time is not about being killed by an unknown man, but of the new dynamic we all have. I don't even know what that dynamic is yet. Will we all sit together at lunch like we did the last few weeks I was at school? Have they been sitting together since I left or did they go back to their usual routines?

Is it bad if we don't all sit together? I have classes with all of them so I can spend some time with them individually and after school. All this thinking gets me nervous. I just want the day over with so I can know what to expect!

As I say goodbye to my parents and start walking across the street to Kota's I think about the paper my parents handed out to everyone. What does it say and why did it seem like no one wanted to show me? I should ask Kota on the drive to school, maybe he will give me some information to ease my curiosity.

"Hey Sang!" Kota says as he comes out of his garage door. I give him a small wave and smile as he opens the passenger side door for me to get in.

"Are we taking Nathan to school?" I ask since Kota is already starting the car and Nathan is usually here before me.

"Ummm..." Kota hesitates in answering as he backs out, "He might not go today, he said if he feels better he's going to catch the bus."

"He's sick? Why didn't he tell me." Last night I spoke to all of my friends and I just now realized that I didn't speak to Nathan, nor Kota. I only got a text this morning from Kota reminding me that he was taking me to school.

"No, not sick. Well he's just not feeling well." He looks over at me like he's said too much, even though he hasn't really said anything. I decide to just drop it and move on to what I want to know about the rules.

"So what did that paper say that my parents gave you guys?" That sounded casual right? Yes, Sang it sounded completely natural.

"What do you mean?" He asks, giving me a quick glance. What do I mean? What does he mean, what do I mean? I thought what I asked was pretty clear! "Well what were the rules listed?" I rephrase the question in hopes he'll just spill everything.

"Well it wasn't really anything. Basically what they said while we were there... to be respectful and leave it up to you."

"Wait-- no long list of rules? What does that even mean?" I ask confused.

"I wouldn't worry about it, I think they are letting us set our own pace as a group you know?" He quickly explains, but it doesn't sound like a complete answer. Maybe he means my parents want us to figure this whole relationship out on our own as a group. That makes sense. My parents didn't have anyone to help them and they don't want to interfere with our group in fear that they might mess up the dynamic.

We arrive at school and Kota walks me to the courtyard where I see the rest of my friends sans Nathan. Even though they are together in the same area, I notice they are huddled off into smaller groups. North and Silas are talking, Luke and Gabriel are having their own conversation and Victor is by himself off to the side looking at his phone. I also notice Kota goes straight to Victor and greets him while only giving the other guys a quick nod in acknowledgement.

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