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Jiyong's POV:

"So Jiyong, I never knew you had a gf, can you tell me all about her?"

I sighed.

"Do you really want to know all about her?" I asked her.

She nodded.

Now is my chance to tell her everything I can to make her remember everything.

"She's beautiful, kind, smart, and caring. She has every detail of a girl that I always wanted. I met her at the dance practice room. One time she hit her head at a door and it bleeded so much that it has to be treated right away.

But instead of taking her to the doctor, we took her to my house. At that time I wanted to always take care of her.I fell in love at first sight. When she woke up her aunt came too check on her, what we didn't know that her aunt wanted her to stay with me for a while while she was away doing some work for Yg.

Then I took my chances to tell her how I feel. One day we went to a park to hangout for a while, then that's when I confesed my feelings for her, by that time I was so worried that she might not feel the same way. But luckily she did. So that's when we started our relationship. She was one of a kind."

"I guess she just loves you so much." She said with a smile.

"Y-yes, yes she does." I said as I tried to hold back tears.

"Well, It's getting late we should go now." I said changing the topic.

"Oh, ok I bet my aunt is already at home waiting for me." She said as she stood up.

"I'll walk you home, it's not safe to be alone at this time." I said to her as we walked out of the restaurant.

"Oh you don't need to. I can take care of myself." She said. Aish she's so stubborn like always.

"I insist. Please, let me walk you home." I pleaded.

"Well if that's what you want. I can't do anything now right?" She smiled.

I miss that smile.

I started to walk her home. As I did, we talked about career stuff and our family.

"I have my sister, my mom and my dad. How about you?" I said.

"Well I don't have any sisters or brothers, I'm an only child... I only have my aunt Chelsea with me, since my mom and dad already passed away years ago. But still, I'm ok with having my aunt around." She giggled.

"What do you mean?" I laughed.

"Ohh you know... My aunt sometimes get a little crazy when she's stressed. A little bit too crazy I guess." We both laughed at what she said.

She ran and I tried to catch up with her.

"Slow down." I told her.

But she didn't hear me, cause I was far behind.

We were soon near her house we just need to cross this street.

We waited for the stop lights to go red so that the cars would stop. But even though the light was green, there wasn't that much cars passing by. Then the lights turned red and we crossed the street. Luckily there aren't any cars around.

She was already at the middle of the street while I was right behind her. Then she stopped.

"Wait my shoes are untied." She said as she reached down to tie her shoelaces.

"You can tie them after we cross the street. It's not safe to tie your shoelaces in the middle of the street." I told her. But she didn't listen.

I spotted a car coming up and it was coming up very fast, it didn't seem to slow down even though the light was still red. It kept on going and I knew what was going to happen if I don't do something.

I quickly ran towards her.

"Angel look out!" I shouted. But she was to distracted.

As the car started to get closer, I ran faster.

I caught up with her but the car was closing in.

"GD, what are you-AHH!"

I quickly ran and grabbed her arm and I pulled her to me right at time before the car hits her.

She was hugging me tightly the whole time, crying.

"A-are you ok? Are y-you hurt?"

"I-I'm fine."

I can tell by her voice that she got scared.

"Don't worry I'm here for you." I said to comfort her.

She looked up at me and hugged me even more tightly. By her look I can tell that she's thanking me.

"Come on. Let's get you home." I said as we continued walking.

Minutes later we were at the street were her house was. As we walked we saw a group of men closing in. One of the guys looked at Angel from head to toe while the others were just looking at her. This makes me angry, but I try not to make any mess out of it.

I just grabbed Angel by her arm and held her closer to me. Then I put my arm around her shoulder.

"Stay close to me. Don't mind those guys." I whispered to her.

"Is your girlfriend ok with this?" She asked.

"Don't worry, she'll thank me for this." I replied.

She didn't give a reply but smiled instead as we arrived at the front of her house.

"Well, we're here. Thanks fo--" her words were cut off as her phone rang.


"Angel? This is aunt Chelsea."

"Oh, yes aunt Chelsea what's wrong?"

"Well seems like there's more papers I need to finish than usual. Then my boss schedule me for a flight tommorow morning to Japan for a meeting of some kind and I'll be gone for about 3 months. You think you can handle yourself alone for that long?"

"Yeah, its fine. I can manage."

"Ok. Thanks for understanding Angel. I'll leave some money on the kitchen table tommorow morning. Don't spend it all."

"Yes aunt. Bye."

"Bye Angel."

Then their conversation ended.

"Well I guess I'll still be alone anyway." She said.

"Three months huh?" I asked.

"Yep, she's that busy." She replied.

"Well, I'll go in now I guess I'll see you tommorow. Bye Jiyong" She said she walked to her house still facing me.

"Bye, and good night Angel." I said as I waved goodbye.

After she waved back I watched her as she went in her house safely.

I continued walking and stopped at the street to wait for a taxi. Minutes later I saw a taxi in the distance and signaled to it. It stopped in front of me and I jumped in.

I told the driver my address and he drove away. Then my phone rang.


"GD can you do me a favor?"

"Miss Chelsea? Yes, what is it?"

What a day~


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