Problem Solved-Chapter 7

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This'll be a short Chapter, but I wanted to update this so ye :)

Rose POV

Once me and my team arrived at Rapunzel Castle we started to look for Magister Rapunzel

"Rapunzel? Rapunzel!" We kept calling out, then we checked the library, seeing Rapunzel reading a book

"Magister Rapunzel! We need your help!" Joy said, finally getting Rapunzel's attention

"Hm? Oh yes, what do you need?" Rapunzel asked, looking over at us

"We need your help with Astoria" Travis said

"What can I do?" Rapunzel said, now looking serious

"Well, it's a curse that can only be broken by a true loves kiss and Rose thinks that maybe your kiss would work" Hawk responded

"Ah, I see... shall we go then?" Rapunzel said, I nodded and had them follow me and we walked back to where Doctor LeFrog had Astoria, Rapunzel knelt down and moved Astoria's bangs off of her forehead and gently kissed Astoria's forehead, suddenly a rainbow-like light exploded throughout Regal Academy

The curse had been broken

*Two Hours Later*

After a couple hours the day of school had ended, we had actually ended up skipping LeFrog's potions class due to the situation, as Astoria was having all sorts of side-effects from the sleeping spell and we basically had to help her.. not fall on her face, we found out that Xander Locks and Vicky were both in trouble for what happened, and Astoria explained to us that Vicky was trying to make it look like it was all Astoria's fault, which was crazy, but at the end of the day everything was back to normal and the teachers figured it was just an accident on Xander's part

We all went home knowing everything was back to "normal" at least, as normal as it could be for a fairy-tale 

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