A Normal-ish Day-Chapter 2

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Group POV I guess?

The classes ended and we all felt confident in our results for the test, even though we would be receiving the results tomorrow and we weren't 100% sure, but now we had to practice our... "dragon training"

"All right, let's start practicing!" Astoria said

After a few hours of training their dragons everyone, including the dragons, was exhausted.

"Alright, that should be enough to catch up quite a bit, let's head home then" Astoria said, afterward yawning

"Alright See you tomorrow!" Joy said, waving and walking off "Bye!" Hawk said

Rose POV

"Ready to head back, Travis?" I asked

"yeah." he said "Bye Astoria!"

Travis walked me back home and we said goodbye, I walked in knowing I would have to explain what happened, but luckily now I don't have to worry about hiding everything about Regal Academy all that much

"What took you so long?" My mom asked

"Don't tell me it's a boyfriend..." My dad said in a... worried yet stern tone

I couldn't help but chuckle nervously and blush, even though I don't have any sort of relationship like that

"No, no dad, don't worry..." I said, then I took a deep breath to explain "I had to stay after school to do some extra studying with my team, it's a group project, sorry I couldn't warn you beforehand, we were planning on meeting up early but Travis forgot about that and I... slept in"

"Alright, you should tell me all about it later Rose... Dinner is almost ready, actually" My mom said

"Ah okay, I will go put my stuff up in my room and come down in a bit." I said, starting to walk upstairs

After I put my stuff away I went downstairs to see that dinner had just finished and my mom was about to call me down, I had Dinner and I got ready for bed, and told my mom about the dragon tricks race/competition. I went to bed early, hoping to actually have time to eat breakfast before school...

-The Next Morning-

(Still Rose's POV)

I woke up at 5:30 AM, surprisingly. I went downstairs and grabbed some leftovers from yesterday with plenty of time to spare, I didn't feel all that tired surprisingly so I just sat going through the schedule for the next few weeks at Regal Academy, I slowly became somewhat bored, the shoe store didn't open until 6:30, my dad left early for work today and my mom is still sleeping, I lay down on the couch and soon fell asleep. Once I woke up I immediately looked at the time, feeling panicked "gah! Oh... it's only 7..." I said to myself somewhat loudly, my mom overhearing

"I see you woke up pretty early, did you eat yet?" My mom asked

"Ah yeah, I ate some leftovers" I replied with a smile

"So are you planning on heading to school early or did you just wake up early for fun?" My mom said somewhat jokingly, as she knew I wanted to spend some more time with my dragon before class "Agh! right, I gotta go, Bye!!" I gave my mom a quick kiss on the cheek and darted off "Oh man... really good shoe sales!" I quickly went in and asked to get a couple pairs of shoes delivered, an 80% off discount! Yes!! I quickly ran down to the alley with the secret door, and then I arrived at Regal Academy, and suddenly I couldn't help but wonder if anyone else from my team was here, as Hawk and Astoria tend to get up early maybe... I walked over to get my Regal Armor on so I could fly my dragon

"Hey!" My dragon seemed excited to see me

"Hiiii~ Are you up for practicing?" I asked

"Of course!"

"Wonderful! actually, I got some new shoes for you!" I said, taking them out of my bag and making them large enough with my magic for my dragon, we then practiced the routine planned for the group demonstration for a abut an hour or two, I said goodbye to my dragon and looked at the time "Perfect! 25 minutes to spare until class-" I couldn't help but feel like these past couple weeks I've been like Astoria, I sighed and shook my head "I guess I should head to the gate to see if anyone's waiting..." I mumbled to myself, walking slowly towards the gate when I suddenly tripped and my fall was instead stopped by bumping into someone "Oof..."

"Wow, Rose, you're here early"

I looked up "Hawk?!" I couldn't help but sound surprised

It sounded like Hawk chuckled a little "The one and only, you haven't had memory loss, right?" Hawk asked, I knew he was teasing me with his little smirk, but I felt him put his hand on my forehead, causing me to chuckle and feel somewhat flustered

"Don't worry, I'm fine!" I said with a bit of a giggle when I noticed he was still somewhat embracing me from when he caught me "Would you mind letting me regain my balance?" I asked, pretty sure I was blushing

Hawk's POV

"Oh! uh, sorry" I said, letting go of Rose. I looked at her face while she moved her gaze at her shoes, appearing to be concentrating.

"Is something wrong with your shoes?" I asked

"Nope! In fact, They are fantastic!!" Rose said, beginning to twirl "They're just new, I got them yesterday and I'm getting used to them." she continued

My thoughts trailed off a bit "Rose..." I started

"Huh? Yeah?" Rose looked at me, puzzled

"Uh-Nothing.. sorry" I remembered one of the girls asking me to the ball, which I haven't heard of since but I told them I already had a date, so maybe... "Actually..." I continued

"Mm?" Rose looked at me again

"Do you know about a ball coming up?" I asked

"Oh, yeah, My grandma told me there will be one next month, she asked me to help set it up!" Rose replied with a smile "What about it?" she questioned

"Could you be my date to the ball?" I asked, afterward realizing how forward that was.

"Sure, why not? It is suggested that we go with one of our team members anyways so it works out" Rose replied almost immediately, her face turning a light shade of pink after a pause

Rose POV

after a short while, I reunited with my whole team and we finally finished the week and a half of constant review, as we had to do extra with us being late a lot last year

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