Joy's Confession-Chapter 16

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Hello my readers! So this Fanfic will be ending soon, specifically 2 more chapters left and then there will be special chapters for the different holidays which I'm excited to write, especially Halloween >:)

Travis's Pov

LingLing kissed me... LingLing kissed me... On the cheek... Im... Dying... even though it's Monday I just can't get over the fact that after I dropped LingLing off she kissed my cheek, and to make it worse she was wearing lipstick so you could actually see the mark... I'm dying.. Still dying... I'm dead... There was a knock on the door
"TRAVIS! ROSE IS HERE TO PICK YOU UP!" my mom called me down... But I'm too dead, the next thing I knew Rose had come up to my room

"Oh! So you're awake" she said, sounding a bit surprised

"I'm not sure about that, I feel like I'm dead." I said simply

"Oh?" Rose tilted her head curiously and I just touched my right cheek

"LingLing kissed my cheek on Saturday" I said, then Rose just started freaking out a bit


"ROSE! CALM DOOOOOOWWWWWWN" but I interrupted her, we then walked to school, which was about to start in about 5 minutes but we saw Joy sitting on a bench, Rose looked at me and I just nodded, I knew what she meant, Joy seemed kinda down and the classic Rose wanted to comfort her, so I just went to class

Rose's POV

"Hey, Joy... Are you okay?" I asked as I sat next to her, she looked up at me, it was clear she was starting to tear up

"Well... Not really, no... " Joy said

"Do you... Want to talk about it?" I asked, Joy sighed and it looked as though she was thinking for a moment

"Well... I... I confessed to Laurence Redhood" Joy said
I just stared at her a moment, not really sure what to say but... I bet she'll find someone perfect for her

Joy's POV

"Joy.. I'm really sorry about Laurence.." Rose said, I just smiled and laughed a bit

"Don't worry, it's fine... Heh... I guess I really don't have the best luck with boys now, do I?" I replied, Rose just took me in her arms for a hug 

"One day you'll find someone better, and all things that've happened in the past will seem like they never happened" Rose said and I just returned the hug, I feel a lot better 

"Thanks Rose." I said 

"Anytime..." Rose said, pulling away from the hug, then clapping her hands "So! How about we head to class and sit next to each other?" Rose suggested, I smiled and nodded

"Sure." I said

The class went on normally and then after it ended I saw Laurence approach Petal

"Hey Petal" Laurence said, I couldn't help but stare and Rose noticed and dragged me off, but I still would like to know what they're talking about

Petal Rabbit's Pov

"Hey Petal" Laurence approached me and leaned on my desk, I just rolled my eyes and shoved him off

"What is it Mr. Flirt?" I said as I stood up from my seat

"Well... Petal, promise to take me seriously?" Laurence pleaded a bit, I looked at him curiously and replied "No"

"Fine... But I am serious, so Petal... Will you go out with me?" Laurence asked, I sighed and looked him straight in the eyes but

"I've told you many times and I'll tell you again, I'm not interested in you like that. I'm not interested in anyone. Romance is the least of my worries and if I dated you then a bunch of girl's hearts would be broken... So I understand that you're serious about me, but that doesn't mean I'm serious about you, alright?" I explained and he just looked a bit broken as he looked at the ground

"Alright..." Laurence said and then he walked off leaving me as the last student in the room I sighed and mumbled to myself "I'm sorry Laurence... It's just not fair for any of us"couldn't

Joy's Pov

Rose talked to me a bit and I more or less recovered from the rejection, I didn't really know him and apparently he has a pretty... Interesting reputation, and after a couple days I should be alright Hong

"Hey, Joy!" I heard a familiar voice call out to me and I looked over to my right

"Petal?" I have her a curious look

"I wanted to apologize...." Petal said after hesitating a moment to

"What for?" I questioned

"For Laurence, I heard he rejected you too, and after he talked to you so much in the last couple of days." Petal said that's right... I started liking Laurence since he's been teaching out to me quite a lot and he was pretty easy to talk to...

"I'm sure I'll be over it in a couple of days." I said, with a slightly sad smile and Petal just hugged me

"Hey, remember, I'm here for you... We're friends." Petal said, I hugged her back and thought about the last week or so so

"Thanks..." I said

Hawk's Pov

My team and I had decided to meet up to study for Ceremonies class today for a test, but once we all met up I could feel a bit of an awkward tension with me and Rose... And it's all because of that Laurence guy.. Okay fine, I'm guilty of getting jealous but she just started avoiding me afterwards which doesn't help, so other than me and Rose not saying a word to each other and avoiding eye contact our studying was effective and we ended up doing well on the test, however Astoria kept looking at me and Rose as though we were aliens

Dun Dun Duuuuuun at least Hawk acknowledged he's guilty, right? Right. Okay

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