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Kiara's POV:

I arrive at Harvard university and I smile. I park my car near the entrance and I grab my school bag. I get out of my car and I walk towards the entrance. I head straight for the reception to get my textbooks. Once  I get to the reception the lady is on the phone.

"Oh my gosh! Did you see the look on his face?! I know!".

Once the lady sees that I have been standing there for like five minutes,she scowls.

"Hold on Carry. What do you want?"

Uh ookaay! Freak alert! Is she talking to me? I hope she isn't.

"School girl,what do you want?"

That's it!!

"Listen up,receptionist grandma. You are getting paid because of me. So tell your friend Carry that she should get something else to do. By the way,you shouldn't scowl much. Your face already has enough wrinkles. Now give me my books. Kiara Standford by the way".

The lady just stared at me and handed me my books. I smiled sweetly at her. "Thanks. Freak",I muttered.

I walk out of the offices walking towards my designated class. And again,I bump into someone. My books go flying in the air and I internally cuss. "Seriously? Can I bump into any more people?"

"I'm so sorry". I look up in the most blue eyes I have ever seen. God must be kidding! Another hot guy? He's literally crucifying us! The guy helps me pick my books up and I smile gratefully at him. "Thanks". I say shyly.

He smiles back at me and and hands the books over to me.

"You okay?",he asks in a deep husky voice. Oh God! I think I just peed myself. I nod and smile at him. "My name is Evans". He brings his hand out so I could shake it.


"Yeah I know". I look at him in confusion. I did not blurt my name out did I?

"No! I mean I saw it on one of your books. I must have came out like some stalker didn't I?". He laughs.

"Yeah you did". I laugh with him. I check the time and I notice that I still have ten minutes before class.

"Freshman?",he asks. I nod my head.

"You?",I ask.

"Junior. Mind if I walk you to your class?"

I smile kindly at him. "Sure. You can be my guide". I nudge him in the shoulder and we walk to my class. As we walk around the corner someone calls for Evans.


Evans and I turn around to see who it was and I literally froze. Oh. My. God. Him? Again? Why am I still alive? I scowl immediately and so does the person.

"You",he says as he points at me. How dare he?!

"Don't point your scrawny little finger at me doofus". He scowls even worse.

"I said do not-". He was cut off by Evans.

"You guys know each other?". I roll my eyes at his question.

"How could we not? He bumped into me". I look over at the stranger and I frown.

"Did not! You are the one who bumped into me". I roll my eyes again. Soon enough I won't have eyes to roll.

"Whatever doofus-". Evans cuts me off.

"Okay okay. I get it. I need to get going. Come on Alex". Evans drags a scowling Alex away and they go down the hall. There goes my guide. Oh well,whatever.

"He's crazy,I know".

I turn around to look at the owner of the voice. I literally gasp when I see a strikingly beautiful girl. Long blonde hair that cascades down to her lower back,blue eyes,long legs and a curvaceous body. Wow!

She notices that I don't recognise her from anywhere and she introduces herself.

"Oh! Sorry hi. My name is Morgan. Alex is my boyfriend. Alex is my brother. Couldn't help but notice that you and Alex aren't getting along". She laughs hesitantly. Thinking as if I will ignore her.

"Kiara. Yeah. Neither do I see him and I getting along".

"But I can definitely see you and I being best friends". She hooks her arm with mine and drags me along the hallway.

"Medicine?",she asked quizzically.


"I can tell by the size of those books. I swear these are combinations of your books from kindergarten, elementary and high school plus university",she says eyeing my books.

I laugh at her joke and we walk on to my first class of the year. We stopped on front of a class with the words 'Get ready for fun'.

"Dumbest line ever. Well,here's your class". She points over at the door and smiles.

"Wait,aren't you in medicine?",I ask.

"Nope. Creative writing. I loathe medicine". She scrunches her face and looks out into space.

She shakes her head vigorously and smiles back at me. "Got to go. See you at the canteen. Or just wait up my the library. Okay?"

"Yeah see you later". She walks away and I walk into my class. I look around searching for a spot. Eureka! Found it! I walk over to a table near the window and I sit down. Just before the bell rings Evans walks in. He looks around the class and his eyes land on me. He smiles at me and walks my way. Since the tables are two seaters he plops himself on the same table as mine.

"Excuse you?",I say with pure mock.

"I thought I was excused". He smirks at me and I literally melt. Good Lord!

"By who? There's something called 'asking' you know?
He chuckles in his deep husky voice. Can I record you? I need to make you my ringtone.

"Okay. Milady, may I sit with you?"

I roll my eyes." You already sat down. What's the point of asking asshole?" I smile at him.

"Just so I can see your smile. Did I tell you that you have a gorgeous smile?",he asks.

Just when he said those words my heart did a somersault. "Thank--",I was cut off. A flipping gain!

"Alright everyone! I'm Ms Valentino. Your lecture for the rest of the year. So let's get to know each other a little".

I look over at Evans and I smile.

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