Chapter 2 Lil' Meeting

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       Jasiri took a defensive stance in front of the cubs. "What are you doing here?" Janja said as he revealed himself. "This path is part of the Outlands. No one owns it" she said, "And we're on our way to a clan's territory". Jasiri and the pups cautiously walked past Janja. "Now that I remember....." Janja's voice made Jasiri stop on her tracks. Tunu and Wema hid in front of Jasiri. She turns towards Janja. "Last time you were in my territory and I was out hunting in the Pride Lands. Mzingo let me know since he stayed here. So, what were you doing in there?" Janja approaches Jasiri. Jasiri turns to the pups signaling them to head forward towards Kujitoa's territory which wasn't so far. Jasiri turned to Janja who was now face to face with her. He growled. "I......It's none of your business". Jasiri wasn't going to show she was intimidated by letting him know what she was doing there. "Really? It was in my territory so it IS my business!". Janja growled as he approached Jasiri who was taking a step back each time he got closer. She was not the only one who was at Janja's territory that day. She was with him.....All of a sudden Tunu and Wema ran into Jasiri from behind. She bumps into Janja nocking him over as she landed on top of him. A hyena older than both Janja and Jasiri got there as well. He was tall and muscular. He had black spiky mane and orange eyes. He looked like any other normal hyena from the rest of his body. He looked at both hyenas on the floor.
          Jasiri lifted her head up a little and saw herself on top of Janja. She stayed like that frozen which gave Janja the advantage and roll, pining Jasiri. He growled. Then the hyena who was observing them both growled at Janja defending Jasiri. Janja backed off Jasiri as she got up. "Kujitoa" Janja said. "If you want to hurt Jasiri you're gonna have to go through me!" Kujitoa snarled. Janja just growled. He wasn't scared of Kujitoa but he did knew he had no chance against him. Janja growled before leaving. "You okay?" Kujitoa asked as he turned to Jasiri. "Yeah. Thanks" Jasiri said happy to see him. "Don't tell me. The pups wanted to come over?". Tunu and Wema yelped happily. "Yeah" Jasiri said. "Well then let's go. The clan will be happy to see you." Kujitoa, Jasiri, and the pups made their way to Kujitoa's territory.

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