Chapter 27 A Succesful Plan?

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       "WHAT THE HELL?!" Janja barked. His face burning with anger it made Mwoga flew up to the cliff and kept distance. Jasiri pushed Hatari away from her. Hatari laughed making Janja even more angry. "What's the matter, Jan? Jealous?"
         "YOU LITTLE....." Janja raged and launched at Hatari. He saw that coming and moved out of the way. Janja bumped into the stone wall. "Janja" Jasiri got to his side. "I know he did that on purpose!!" Janja barked at Jasiri's face. "Then stop! He wants to make you angry." Jasiri said trying to calm him down.
        "Angry?" Hatari laughed. "How dangerous can he be? He always lost to the guard." Janja turned to Hatari with a fierce growl. "But not to you!!" Janja charged towards Hatari.
       Hatari dodged Janja's bite and pinned him to the ground. He pressed his paw on Janja's throat and with the other he held his body down. He started clawing his claws on Janja's throat making him gag. Hatari smiled and lowered himself a little close to Janja's face.
        "Mzingo....Cheezi, Chungu, and Jasiri....." Hatari whispered, "Wonder which one you'll chose to save." Janja got mad and mustered enough strenght to push him off. Hatari hit his head on the ground. Janja got up and jumped at him but Hatari quickly stood up, moved to one side and with his paw he swiped at Janja's face throwing him to the ground.
       "Janja!" Jasiri called. Janja was making his way up slowly. "I.......can see,'ve gotten stronger." Janja growled. "Yes....." Hatari replied weakly. His head hurt and was making him a bit dizzy but still focused on the plan. You better be here already, Bori Hatari thought as he stared at Janja. "Still,....." Janja stood up, "Im not going to lose!" He chased Hatari around. Good.....Hatari thought and stopped in front of Jasiri turning to Janja. "You're done!!" Janja launched at him. "You're not going to hurt any one of them!"
         Hatari growled and moved out of the way once Janja was too close. Instead, Janja ended up pinning Jasiri, unaware it was her he had pinned. He opened his mouth and targeted her neck. "Janja!!" Jasiri yelled just when he was about to land the bite. Janja stopped himself just in time. "Jasiri...."
        "Get away from her!" A voice called. Janja looked up and got pinned to the ground hard. Jasiri stood up and gasped. "Mpenzi!"
        Mpenzi held Janja to the ground. "Jasiri, are you alright?" He asked keeping his eyes on Janja. Jasiri stood with her eyes wide. "Jasiri!"
         Jasiri turned to the voice that called her. Madoa and Kujitoa made their way towards her. "Jasiri" Madoa said giving a face of releif. "You're okay". Madoa hugged Jasiri.
        Kujitoa looked at them both and then turned to Mpenzi who had Janja pinned. "Are you alright?" Kujitoa turned to the voice and saw Bori making his way to Hatari and helping him up. "Took you long enough" Hatari said in a whisper. Kujitoa just stared at them, then back at Mpenzi and Janja.
       "Janja? Janja!" Mpenzi nudged the unconcious hyena underneath him. "Mpenzi. What's wrong?" Kujitoa made his way to Mpenzi. Jasiri lightly shoved Madoa from her and turned to see Janja not moving. "Janja?" She slowly made her way towards them. "I think I pinned him too hard" Mpenzi said to Kujitoa.
       "Oh. Great" Hatari rolled his eyes as he looked at the hyenas coming together. He stayed away from them leaning next to the stone wall. "He's unconcious." Hatari said.
       "That doesnt change the plan" Bori said. Hatari turned to Bori with a death glare. "Doesnt change the plan?! He wasnt supposed to pass out!!!" Hatari came to Bori's face.
      "Doesn't change the plan, because we've still got the other three." Bori said. "We can capture Jasiri later. First, let's make sure your wound is clean. You're bleeding."
       Hatari widened his eyes and looked at his shoulder. Blood was making it's way down. "It's coming from your head. We should heal it. And then continue. Soon, Janja will pay." Bori said. Hatari growled a little but decided to listen to his henchman. He gave one final look at Janja before heading back to the volcano with Bori. Mwoga who witnessed everything from above decided to follow Bori and Hatari. I know you'll be fine, Janja. The vulture said to himself.
       "He's alright." Kujitoa said. "Just unconcious." Mpenzi got off Janja and went to Jasiri. "He didn't hurt you, right?" Jasiri looked at him for a while then turned her attention to Janja. She leaned down next to him. "Please" Jasiri said. "We need to take him to our territory."
       "What?!" Madoa and Mpenzi asked in surprise at the same time. "But he attacked you." Mpenzi said. "No he didn't." Jasiri said placing her paw on Janja's forehead. "I'll explain later. Just please. Let's take him to our lair. We can't leave him here. He's injured." Jasiri looked at Madoa with pleading eyes.
        There was a long silence. "Fine" Kujitoa said with a cold look. "You and Mlinzi will explain a lot." Jasiri sighed. "Mpenzi, help me get Janja on my back." Kujitoa said. They both got Janja on kujitoa's back. Madoa came next to Jasiri. "I really will explain" Jasiri said, "The truth." She looked down. "Let's go!" Kujitoa said carrying Janja on his back. Jasiri, Madoa, and Mpenzi followed, making their way to their territory.

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