Chapter 33 Get Out Alive

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Jasiri started to wake up and as she did, she noticed she was inside a cave. She could only see the dark-grey rugged walls surrounding her with two tunnels at the opposite directions.

She got her focus back and then got confused. What am I doing here? Where am I? She thought and got up and started scanning the cave.

"Hello. Is anybody here?" She called but nobody answered. What happened?... She asked herself. That's when she remembered.

"My....clan?" She'd asked. "What's going on?"
"You'll soon find out. Since you're also going to be part of the fun." Hatari had said.

That's when everything went black. Jasiri growled. "He knocked me unconscious." She ran through one of the tunnels trying to find a way out. My clan, Janja... please be alright...

Hatari hit a wall as he tried to pin Janja again. His right leg was bleeding. He had Janja cornered against the lava but when he had launched to attack him, Janja moved out of the way and he ended up burning his right paw when he had reached the edge. Right now, every attempt he tried at pinning Janja he always ended up missing.

"Agh! Hold still!" Hatari growled. Janja stayed where he was in front of Hatari keeping his distance.

"So you could finish me off?! No, thank you." Janja replied. This made Hatari angry.

"Aren't you going to attack me? That's the whole reason you came here after all. And all you've done is keep running around while I try to pin you." Hatari said. "Don't you wanna know what Jasiri is? The only way you can get the truth from me is if you make me. And that's attacking me."

"I've already got that covered. I can always finish you later..." Janja growled. Kujitoa, Madoa, hope you already found Jasiri. I'm doing the best I can to keep him busy. Janja snapped out of his thoughts when Hatari got close to him and was able to make his pin.

Janja landed hard but what came next made him yell in pain. Hatari bit down on the side of his neck and used his paw to hold Janja's face to one side.
"AGHHH!!" Janja grunted and used his back legs and kicked Hatari on his stomach. He got off Janja and took distance to get a few seconds of healing.
Janja laid to one side and saw the blood on the floor. It came from his neck. He stood up and turned back to Hatari who laid agains the wall, both hyenas looking at each other.

"This guy's annoying!" Wazimu complaint as she dodged her opponents attack and she took the chance to pin him.

"Ahhh!" Miyabi exclaimed as she charged at one of the hyenas who quickly moved away and targeted her neck. Miyabi gasped. The hyena then got kicked to one side by Kujitoa.

"Are you alright?" He asked Miyabi.

"Yes. Thank you, Kujitoa." She answered him and took a look over at the rest.

Kubwa took on three of the hyenas. He was strong enough to face against three and still stand his ground. It was five against eight. While Kujitoa, Kubwa, and Wazimu could stand their ground, Miyabi and Madoa could briefly try to fight back fiercely.

"This is wasting our time" Wazimu said as she hit one of the hyenas. "We need to be searching for Jasiri. Janja's buying us time to do so."

"Yeah..." Kujitoa panted, "but we need to defeat these guys in order to find her." He looked at Madoa pinning a hyena and Miyabi getting cornered.

He growled and ran to the hyena cornering Miyabi. He pushed him to one side.

"Madoa. Miyabi." He called. Madoa and Miyabi went to him while Wazimu and Kubwa dealt with the other hyenas.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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