Chapter 28 Disobeying Orders

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       "So, is he gonna be alright?" Mlinzi asked looking down at the unconscious hyena in front of him.
       "Yeah." Kujitoa said in a cool voice, neither cold or serious. "Janja will be fine and Kubwa confirms it." Mpenzi added in a firm voice. They had brought Janja to their turf a few minutes ago and Kubwa checked him. The gorilla confirmed that Janja would wake up any time soon.
      "Oh!!!! Thank goodness you're alive!" Wazimu hugged Jasiri. "Yeah" Jasiri replied in a weak tone. She was worried about Janja and even more about what her crew would think after she'd tell them what happened. "Glad you're alright Jasiri" Miyabi said in a happy tone.
        All Jasiri could think about was Janja. She didn't feel like explaining right now but she thought it would be necessary. She kept her eyes on Mpenzi mostly with sad eyes. Then a question came to mind.
        "Hey, how did you find me?" Jasiri asked. "Bori came and took Kuji, Mpenzi, and your sister to find you. The rest of us were going too but then Kuji ordered us to stay here." Wazimu answered with a smile.
         "What?!!" Mlinzi asked and went up to Wazimu. "My brother was here and you didn't tell me?!" Wazimu sighed and smiled. "You were asleep, dummy. How could I have told you?" She laughed.
         "You've got to be kidding me. Why didn't you just wake me up?" Mlinzi asked heading to the entrance of the cave. Kubwa sighed and turned to Mlinzi. "Oh please, Mlinzi. You always tell us not to disturb you when you're in your sleep."
         Wazimu laughed. "Yeah. Besides, you look so cute when you're sleeping." Mlinzi turned to Wazimu with a blush and made a growl.
        Jasiri smiled faintly and Miyabi took notice. "Jasiri, is everything alright?" Miyabi asked. She also noticed the look in her eyes. "You look......really sad." Miyabi said concerned about her friend. Jasiri exhaled and closed her eyes.

         "Heeeyyy!!! Bori that hurts!" Hatari yelled and pushed Bori aside. The hyena stood up and started to head away from the wild dog, keeping distance from him.
          Bori stood from the ground and looked at his boss. "Sheesh. You're worse than Mlinzi." Bori rolled his eyes and walked up to the hyena. "Nuh-uh! Don't put those things on me again!" Hatari yelled and kept distance from his henchman.
          "I'm trying to heal you." Bori reasoned and chased Hatari through the volcano.
         Hatari hid behind a boulder. "No way! That thing you put on me stings! You said you'd make me feel better. You're making my skin sting like hell!" Hatari shouted and turned to leave the boulder only to find himself face-to-face with Bori.
        "That's just how it works, Hatari." Bori said. "If you don't let me heal you, the injury will get worse. Once stinging is all gone, you'll feel better."
        Hatari thought about it. His head still hurt. Not once had he had Bori heal him before. But if Janja was unconscious it meant that he would wake up any time and Hatari wanted to be ready when he did. He finally gave in with growl.
        "Fine! Get me healed soon as possible." The hyena said, leaving the boulder and heading to the spot Bori had been healing him on and laid down. Bori came to his side.
        "How do you know so much about healing anyway?" Hatari asked all of a sudden. He never once wondered why Bori knew so much about healing. But since he was the injured one now, it made him curious.
        "I do have a stupid brother I took care of at some point." Bori answered. Memories of his childhood with Mlinzi came to mind. "He always was........the trouble-maker. Breaking rules and getting injured very often." Bori explained.
          "Ugh! To have a brother like that, I don't know how you managed to put up with him" Hatari said with a small look of disgust.
          Bori smiled and grinned, "Atleast he never once whined about me healing him." Hatari widened his eyes and turned to Bori. "Oh yeah?" Hatari said with an arrogant look, "When have I ever given you a hard time?"
        "Oh no." Bori's smile disappeared and he rolled his eyes. He ignored his boss and continued to heal him while Hatari kept talking.

           "Jasiri, can we talk?" Jasiri looked up at Kujitoa and made a nervous look. "A-alright." She made a small stutter and followed Kujitoa outside of her turf. Wazimu and Mpenzi looked as they left the clan.
         "Any idea where he's taking her?" Wazimu asked and turned to Mpenzi. "No idea" Mpenzi answered looking at the two hyenas leave, "But,.....everytime it's away from the clan, it isn't always good."

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