Chapter 6 Working Together

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      "Janja, we need to find a way out of this hole. We're too far down we can't jump all the way from here to there" Jasiri said signaling the opening at the top from which they fell. "Hold on a moment. Did you say "we"? What makes you think I'm going to help you" Janja said, "I'm not going to follow your orders". Jasiri rolled her eyes. "Listen, if we want to get out of here, we need to work together" Jasiri looks around and notices two tunnels in the dark. "Look we could take one of this tunnels" Janja laughed, "Yeah right. You're not serious, right? About working together". Jasiri got in front of Janja's face. Her reaction made Janja take a step back. "I want to get out of here. Don't think I like the idea that we're stuck here together. What better way to get out of here faster by working together?" Janja thought. She did have a point. "Fine! Let's get out of here. I'll lead. And since I'll be leading I'll chose which tunnel to take" Janja approached the tunnels. Jasiri rolled her eyes in annoyance of Janja's arrogance. She then went up to Janja who was in front of the tunnels. "Let's take the left one" He said and walked ahead. Jasiri sighed while rolling her eyes and took the tunnel as well.
     "I wonder if he's actually dead" Hatari said on top of the same hill where he had that boulder roll down. "Want me to take a look?" Bori asked. "No, not you. I need you by my side" Hatari said,"I'll send someone else". Both the hyena and wild dog left the area.

     Janja and Jasiri walked further into the tunnel. Every step they took made the tunnel look longer. This annoyed Janja. He groaned, "Maybe we should have taken the right one". Janja started heading back. Jasiri looked deeper into the tunnel and saw a light. "Janja wait" Jasiri approached the light and noticed a hole at the ceiling giving off light to the tunnel. "Janja there's a hole in here" Janja approached and saw the hole. "And you think we can jump from here to there?" Janja mocked. "No, but there might be someone on top that can help us get out" Jasiri said. "Uh, have you forgotten what this place is. The Outlands. What makes you think someone will help us?" Janja exclaimed. "Janja, the Outlands are home to the hyenas banished here. But that doesn't mean that all animals that reside here are bad" Jasiri said. Janja laughed. "Jasiri, Jasiri" Janja repeated her name with a few snickers,"The only hyena that could possibly be willing to help those who banished her entire clan is you. You and your clan are obviously the only ones in the whole Outlands who are nice." He laughed. Jasiri felt sad but at the same time she got angry. She stood quiet and gave a stern look at the hole. Janja, while laughing softly, saw her angry and sad face but could tell she got hurt. He's laughing faded as he realized that even though they don't like each other, Jasiri is actually doing an effort to find the way out by working together. He walked to her. "Ok fine. Let's try" Janja said to her. Even though she didn't look at him, he knew she was listening. This was Jasiri. He knows her pretty well. "I'm not going to apologize, but then again I agree to work together" He said,"I do want to get out of here soon." Jasiri smiled a little. Janja knew he could get her to react by saying that. He knows what gets her angry, sad, and happy. "Ok" Jasiri softly said,"I'll call for help to see if anyone hears us." "Hello!" Jasiri called out, "Is anyone there?" "If it's a jackal I'll finish it" Janja said.
    After a while of calling out no one answered. It seemed pretty clear that no one was near. Jasiri groaned. "You done?" Janja asked as he lied on the ground with his head on his paws looking bored. "You said you'd agreed to work together" Jasiri stated "I've been the only one yelling for help." She growled softly. "Why would I want to waste my perfectly good voice?" Janja exclaimed, "After all, I agreed to work "together", you said you'd call for help." Jasiri growled. "Hey, relax" Janja got up and walked towards her,"Nobody's here and it's almost dark so we better find somewhere to sleep. Obviously not here in the bottom of an opened hole where a bird might land it's dung" He walked past her. Jasiri gave the hole one last look before following Janja.
    Both hyenas found a clear area that lead to other tunnels. "Well, we can sleep here" Janja said going to the cave wall "After resting, tomorrow morning we continue". He went to sleep. Jasiri went the opposite side of the wall and found herself a spot to rest. She curled up in a small ball and fell asleep.

    Hatari was inside Janja's volcano, eating a leftover he had found. "Janja's.....dead?" Chungu asked in horror. "Yes and now I'm your new boss" Hatari said. Cheezi noticed something on Hatari. "What you did to Janja, Hati?" Cheezi asked. Hatari threw the bone he had been feasting on. He chuckled nervously, "Cheezi, what makes you think I would do something to my former leader?" He walked up to them. "'Cause he fired you?" Chungu questioned. Hatari laughed. The whole volcano fell silent as the only sound that could be heard was Hatari's laughing. His laugh echoed to the outside that a flying Mzingo heard. Mingo quickly recognized that laugh. "Hatari?...." Mzingo asked himself and flew down to the volcano. "Oh boy,..." Hatari stopped laughing and turned a serious expression on, "Listen to me you fools! Your leader is dead, so now you and the rest will obey me! If not, I'll make sure you'll end up like him!" Hatari showed his teeth. Cheezi and Chungu had a horrified look. "Now...Get your...well in fact, My Crew and bring them over here. I'll be taking charge." Cheezi and Chungu did as ordered and stepped out to find the rest. Hatari sighed. "Bori, could you go and give the order to the rest of the hyenas I brought to go find Janja and make sure he's dead?" Hatari flashed his teeth, "In case he's not tell them to bring him to me. They're allowed to harm him but make sure to tell them not to kill him. I want to do it myself". "Right away, Boss" Bori took off to the rest. Little did they both know that Mzingo had been spying on them and had heard everything they said. I better go find Janja before they do Mzingo thought to himself as he flew away from the volcano to find Janja. Hope he's really not dead.....

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