02 | 2:30 p.m.

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the pawn pt

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the pawn pt. 2


HARUKA WASN'T SURPRISED. He saw it coming from the moment Lilith cornered him behind the school and ran her dainty finger down his button-down shirt with a smirk playing on her lips.

That was when he knew she enjoyed fucking with people. Her entire personality was fabricated and his best friend was too pussy-whipped to see what kind of person she actually was. He didn't know why it took him this long to see it, but he knew Emile wouldn't believe him.

"I have a favour to ask, Haru," her voice was breathy, and she fluttered her eyelashes up at him. Surely, she didn't expect him to fall for that bullshit, right?

"Whatever it is," Haruka stepped away from her. "I'm not interested in helping you."

"You wouldn't do it for your best friend's girlfriend?"

"Exactly," Haruka shook his head in contempt. "You're Emile's girlfriend, so go ask him."

"But this is something only you can do for me, Haru," she pouted, craning her neck up towards him so her cleavage was in his direct view.

"Don't call me Haru," he gritted through his teeth. "I'm not in the mood for playing your games. Neither am I the right person to ask for a favour."

Lilith's eyes sparkled, and Haruka knew whatever was coming next would basically nail the coffin on whatever fucked up deal she was about to propose.

"But I know your secret," she leaned and whispered in his ear. He could practically hear her grinning from ear to ear. "Haru."

Haruka wasn't going to listen to this any longer. He refused to get strung along like Emile, and once he leaves this uncomfortable situation, he vowed to go straight to Emile and tell him about this.

"I don't care what you know," Haruka rolled his eyes. "Whatever it is, it's probably worthless anyway."

"So," Lilith wrapped her arms loosely around his neck, one of which seemed to rest on her elbow and play with his lock of hair. "You wouldn't mind me telling everyone your father is a yakuza boss, right?"

It seemed like lightning struck him because the next thing he knew, he heard Lilith yelp from the brunt force of him pushing her against the wall.

He didn't understand how this information fell on her lap of all people. His family had paid off the principal and literally everyone who had even the slightest of suspicion. So, how does Lilith Norden know about his family? And who told her?

Normally, Haruka never resorted to violence, not against anyone, really. But for some reason, his mind felt a sense of clarity that never occurred to him before.

Lilith was dangerous.

And he had to get the fuck out of there no matter what.

"What do you want, Lilith?" He pressed harder, causing Lilith to contort her face in an odd mix of pain and pleasure—which likened to the time when he saw a maid's expression when he caught his father fooling around with said woman who was years younger than his mother.

"You should be nicer to me, you know?"

"I could also kill you," Haruka said without missing a beat. "Tell me, Lilith, would anyone miss you?"

Lilith didn't flinch at his words, which angered him even more. He wanted to inflict pain and see something other than her arrogant smile.

"Emile would," she rest her hand on the wall, gazing up at the sky, a withdrawn look on her face.

"Why me?" The question needed to be answered, or else Haruka felt like he would combust.

"You're the only person who sees me for who I am," she replied nonchalantly.

"A manipulative bitch, who I'm guessing got herself into trouble with powerful people."

"I wouldn't say 'trouble,'" she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip. "'Fun' sounds better."

He may have hated Lilith Norden with every cell in his body, but she was right. Emile would have a hard time getting over her if she were to die.

"Lilith, I don't know what you did," Haruka said in a serious tone. "But that's not a crowd you should be dealing with. Do you have a death wish?"

"Here, I thought you were unconcerned," Lilith laughed. "But that's what I like about you, Haru."

"Excuse me?" Haruka blanched. "I could care less about what happens to you. I'm worried about Emile."

"Of course," Lilith stepped closer to him. "Your ex-best friend."

Lilith grabbed his face and pulled his lips down to hers. She bit the bottom of his lip and slid her tongue inside. The tingling sensation prickled his skin, and it seemed to crack his overflowing pot of hatred for her.

He wanted more.

The feeling terrified him, and he pushed her away as if her skin was hot steel, which would melt him in any second. Within seconds, he bound her wrists behind her body and stepped back panting, licking the iron taste of his lips.

"Don't ever do that again, Lilith." He growled, angry that he betrayed his best friend. The thought didn't process until he heard the bell ring, which signalled the period was over.

Emile saw them. He had to have since this was the path he took to go from the science building to history. And Lilith knew this too.

"That was just the first part of my favour, Haru," she touched his swollen lips. "I just have one more left."

This leads him to now, sitting in an interrogation room, feeling like a suspect for a crime he sure as hell didn't commit.

"Mr. Kantaro," the detective laced her fingers together. "Emile mentioned he saw you and Ms. Norden behind the school one day."

"Yeah, it was around two-thirty she texted me and said she needed to talk to me."

If there was anything Haruka learned from his family, it was how to read people's faces. That obviously explained how quickly Haruka was able to pick up on Lilith's bullshit. And from the way Detective Romano was scrutinizing him, Haruka was sure Emile—being the over thinker who jumps to conclusions—already planted the idea into their heads.

"Would you mind telling me if you don't mind?"

"She was talking about how she wanted to break up with Emile, but she didn't know how." Haruka should've waited until his father's lawyer was present, but what was the point if he was somewhat truthful and importantly, not guilty?

"I see," she drummed her fingers along the table. "Then did you notice any bruises on her wrists at the time?"

"She had them before I met her," Haruka paused, trying to cover up his lie. The bruises were the only thing that could tie him to her, but knowing Lilith, he wouldn't risk not covering up his tracks.


"Yes," Haruka answered.

"Did she tell you that Emile did that to her?"

Screw Lilith Norden's so-called favour. There was no way he would fuck his only friend over.

"No, she said our Latin teacher did that to her." 

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