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the rook pt

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the rook pt. 1


AMIRA STARED LONGINGLY at Emile's arm around Lilith's waist. Haruka had yet to join them, so everyone was waiting in the spot behind the school. It was a quaint little bar/diner that was in the middle of town and was known to be everyone's go-to spot.

The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting long shadows across the cobblestones as the last remnants of daylight faded into early evening. The air was filled with the sound of laughter and chatter as students wandered about, eager to unwind after a long day of classes.

Amira tried to ignore the pang of jealousy that twisted in her chest, but it was impossible. Emile's laughter echoed in her ears, a reminder of everything she couldn't have, and Lilith, as always, looked effortlessly perfect, her golden hair catching the sunlight in a way that made her look almost ethereal.

As she lingered behind the couple, memories flooded her mind. Memories of a time when she and Lilith had been inseparable, back in middle school when they had just met. But somewhere along the way, things had changed. They had drifted apart, their friendship strained by unspoken tensions and unfulfilled expectations. If anything, she only really ever found herself hanging out with this group when she wanted to see Emile.

Amira remembered the whispers that followed them wherever they went, the constant comparisons that left her feeling inadequate and unseen. Lilith was the golden child, the one everyone adored and admired, while Amira was merely her shadow, cast aside and forgotten in the glow of Lilith's radiance.

But Amira knew things about Lilith that no one else did. She saw the cracks in Lilith's perfect facade, the moments of doubt and vulnerability that she kept hidden from the rest of the world. And Amira reveled in them, finding a perverse satisfaction in knowing that even the golden girl had her weaknesses.

It was like fate was finally smiling down on her when she found out Lilith Norden's biggest secret.

Fabian Gauthier.

It happened one evening, innocently enough, as Amira was rummaging through Lilith's belongings in search of a misplaced top Lilith once borrowed from her. In the depths of Lilith's drawer, buried beneath layers of clothing, Amira's fingers brushed against something foreign—a letter addressed to Lilith from someone named Fabian.

Curiosity piqued, Amira opened the letter, her eyes scanning the words that revealed that her best friend and Latin teacher were seeing each other. Shock rippled through her as she realized the depth of the deception that had been hidden from her, hidden behind Lilith's carefully constructed facade.

For a moment, Amira grappled with the implications of this newfound knowledge. With this, she could watch Lilith's reputation crumble, yet, despite the turmoil raging within her, she made a conscious decision to keep quiet.

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