07 | 9:45 p.m.

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the rook pt

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the rook pt. 2


*Mature content ahead*

YASMIN SWALLOWED HARD, trying to ignore the churning in her stomach. "Who are you?" she asked the stranger standing in their dorm room—her voice barely above a whisper.

The man's lips curved into a sinister smile as he turned his attention to Lilith. "Well done, Lilith," he said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "She'll do nicely."

Yasmin's blood ran cold as she realized what was happening. This wasn't just any man...this was someone powerful, someone dangerous. How the fuck did her morning turn out like this?

Lilith smiled, her expression as sweet as sugar. "I knew you'd be pleased," she purred, her voice dripping with honeyed words.

The man's smile widened, revealing a row of gleaming white teeth. "Indeed," he said, his gaze lingering on Yasmin. "I have high hopes for you, my dear."

The man then pecked Lilith's cheek and took the camera that was recording the intimate moment between her and Lilith.

"They'll enjoy this," he chuckled. "Make sure to bring her tonight."

Lilith nodded and the man left as silently as he came.

As the door clicked shut behind the mysterious man, Yasmin stood frozen in shock, her mind racing with questions and fear. She watched as Lilith's facade of sweetness melted away, revealing a cold determination in her eyes.

"What was that?" Yasmin finally managed to choke out, her voice trembling with disbelief.

Lilith turned to face her, her expression unreadable. "Just business," she replied, her tone casual despite the gravity of the situation.

Yasmin's heart pounded in her chest, a sickening realization dawning upon her. "Business?" she echoed. "What kind of business involves...that?"

Lilith's smile returned, but it lacked its usual warmth. "The kind that keeps us in power," she said cryptically, her words sending a shiver down Yasmin's spine.

"Why the fuck are you involving me in this?" Yasmin couldn't breathe, her chest was seizing by the very second.

Lilith's gaze bore into Yasmin, cold and calculating. "Because you're my friend," she said, her voice deceptively gentle. "And friends help each other out, don't they?"

Yasmin recoiled at the word 'friend,' a bitter taste filling her mouth. "This isn't friendship," she spat, her anger simmering beneath the surface. "This is manipulation, coercion—"

"Call it what you want," Lilith interrupted, her tone sharp. "But remember, Yasmin, you're in this as deep as I am. And if you don't play your part, there will be consequences."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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