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the bishop pt

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the bishop pt. 1


THE TEACHING POSITION had suddenly opened up around mid-October and much to his surprise, Fabian Gauthier became a high school Latin teacher. He didn't mind it since it was his ticket out of living in a dingy attic with terrible ventilation and eating actual food rather than packaged meals found in the frozen section at the supermarket.

When he had finished his bachelor's, his father passed away due to a workplace accident. Fabian had to decide between working right away or continuing his education. His sister and mother both insisted he kept going and Fabian promised them he would work on an international scale.

So much for promises, he thought bitterly. It had been almost a year since he was unemployed after graduating with a Master's in European Studies when one day—during a drunken spiral of self-hatred and disappointment—he submitted his application to Lexington Preparatory.

Fabian didn't know what to expect in the interview either given he had no real-world experience. There was one thing he was sure about, which was Fabian never planned to become a teacher. His dream was to become a translator, yet here he is teaching people about a dead language.

The teaching part was all right for him. It excited him to talk about languages—dead or alive—and since he was being paid for it, he didn't care much for socializing with his colleagues outside of work. What irked him was a particular student.

Lilith Norden.

In the beginning, Fabian didn't think much of his students. These were people who were already guaranteed a seat in Ivy League schools irrespective of whether or not they put in the effort. But Lilith was different. He knew If he didn't control himself, he would get caught up in something he couldn't get out of no matter how hard he tried.

She paid attention to her surroundings and hung onto his every word in class. She was a stellar student who didn't seem to have any hardships or flaws. At times, Fabian would uncomfortably shift in his seat whenever she came into his office and was enveloped by the sweet scent of her floral perfume.

But that was the extent of it until it wasn't.

"Mr. Gauthier," he remembers Lilith knocking on his front door. It was a regular afternoon, and the period before lunch had just ended. It was also the day he handed back his students their test grades. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes, Lilith," Fabian cleared his throat. He wanted to get this meeting quickly over with and go home. It was just one of those days where all he wanted to do was just sleep. "Come in. I'm sure you can guess what this is about. Take a seat."

Lilith was silent, and Fabian took a moment to read her face.

"I just wanted to make sure everything is okay," Fabian typed her name on his laptop. Pulling up her grades from the secure database the school was hellbent on using. "You have consistently performed well in my class, but you failed last week's test."

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