Chapter 9

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Carrie's POV

This week went really fast. It is already Friday.

Next week it's Spring Break and I still don't know what to do. Miss Patrier said I could take the week to relax and enjoy the break and she gave me the weekend after that too.

 I am at work unpacking some dresses to put them on the store when I hear the bell door.

"What are you doing here?" 

"Can't I miss my girlfriend? I miss you, so I decided to come here and give you a big kiss." Harry says to me.

I approach him grabbing his waist and pushing him to me as I give him a kiss. He puts his hands on my cheeks and kisses me too.

"If Miss Patrier sees you here I'm dead-"

"Carrie?" Shit!

I push Harry back and look at Miss Patrier who is at the front door of her office looking at us.

"Who is this?" She asks.

"Humm... this is..."

"Hello. I'm Harry." Harry says walking to her and reaching out his hand to give her a handshake.

She ignores him and looks at me.

"I don't want strangers in my store Carrie."

"You're talking like I'm not even here..." Harry hisses to her.

"Harry calm down, please." I beg him.

"Actually I came here to buy a dress." He states giving Miss Patrier the most fake smile I've ever seen and turning his back to her. "Come on Carrie, pick one dress. I want to offer you a dress."

"Really?" I say looking at him.

"Yeah. Come on; pick one." He points to the dresses and puts a hand on my back with a smile.

Miss Patrier clears her throat to gain our attention. We both look at her.

"You want something?" Harry starts but I stop him.

"Harry..." I warn him as I swap his harm.


"Don't take too long in here!" She almost shouts to Harry. "I'm going to my office now Carrie. When I get out I don't want to see him here." I nod my head.

"You won't get many customers if you treat them all like this!" Harry says when she gets into her office.

"Shut up Harry, it's enough."

"She pissed me off!"

"I know! She pisses me off all the time, but I can't say anything because she's my boss. So be quiet when she talks to you, otherwise I'm getting fired because of you."

"I know, I'm sorry! It won't happen again." Harry promises putting his hands on my waist and pushing me to him. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." I say.. He gives me a  kiss on the lips.

"Go pick a dress for you."

"You were serious?"

"Of course I was! Why wouldn't I be?"

"I don't know..."

"Come on; choose!" He says, dragging me to the clothes hangers.

"I need to know what this dress is for. So I can choose the right one."

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