Chapter 49

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Harry's POV

"What happened?" My mum asks after my many attends to wake her.

Only with slightly slaps was when she woke up.

"You fainted! Are you okay?" I ask and help her sit straight on the couch.

"Yes." She rubs her temples with her fingers.

"Why did you faint?"

"Oh... That police officer reminded me of someone. Where is he?" She asks looking around the living room.

"He went to the kitchen to grab a cup of water for you." As I say this Philip gets into the room and we all look at him.

"Oh my god! It's really you!" My mum almost shouts and gets up using my shoulder to steady herself.

"Anne, please... I...  I didn't know you would be here." I frown to their talk and look between the two of them.

"This can't be real... You are not real!" My mum shouts and shakes her head putting her hands on her ears. "No, no, no!"

"Mum! What the hell! Calm down.  What's happening?" I ask but it seems she didn't heard what I said.

"How can... How are you here?" She asks surrounding the couch and approaching him. "You promised to never come back."

"I never looked for you both... Harry found me." Philip says and I frown once again.

"I found you? What?  What is happening? Someone explain me now!" I shout and they both finally look at me.

"Harry..." My mum shakes her head while Philip runs a hand through his hair.

"You're going to explain me now what the hell is happening!" I shout again and then feel Carrie's touch on my arm. I look down at her and she's with a worried look.

"I think you have to calm down first Harry." She softly says and I shake my head.

"No... They're going to tell me now." I look again at them and my mum is crying and sobbing while the man decides if he helps her or talks to me.

"I'm waiting..." I add.

"Harry, please, come with me." Carrie says grabbing my arm. She pushes me along with her and after taking a deep breath I oblige and go with her.

She brings me to the room and sits me down on the bed before closing the door.

"There's some fʋcking shǐt behind this and they're not telling me. Where do they even know each other?" I rest my elbows on my knees and lay my head on my hands trying to figure it out what is happening.

"Harry..." Carrie gets on her knees in front of me and lifts my chin for me to look at her.

"Maybe they know each other from the past... Maybe they're friends or whatever and got in a fight and drifted apart?"

"Harry, listen..." Carrie continues but I cut her off.

"Maybe... They fʋck each other when they were younger... That's it!"

"Harry!" Carrie shouts and I look at her. She's frowning and with her fist in ball on top of my knees.

"Listen to me!" She gets up and I nod. "I think it's pretty obvious, don't you think?" Now it was my time to frown.

"What do you mean?" I get up too.

"Harry, have you looked to the man in there." She says pointing to the door. "Let's see... He is freakishly tall, and you can see that he is strong. Although his hair is a bit white you can still see a few parts that are a dark brown. And have you seen his eyes? They’re this beautiful green that I've only seen in one person. You." She approaches me and runs a hand through my hair and down my cheek.

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