Chapter 17

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Carrie's POV

No, no, no! This can't be happening!

"How could we forget this?!" I said grabbing my clothes and dressing them.

"I don't know! I think we were caught in the moment..." He said running a hand through his hair.

"I can't believe this. What do we do!?" I said shouting.

"Calm down! Fuck!" He said moving back and forth.

"Calm down? Are you kidding? How can I calm down Harry!? I could be pregnant! I'm too young! Oh my god! My dad will kill me!" I said rubbing my fingers on my temples.

Harry approached me and cupped my face on his hands.

"We'll figure it out."

I frown at him. How could he be so calm!

"I can't be here anymore. I'm leaving." I said grabbing my purse and jacket and leaving his room. 

"Carrie wait!" I heard Harry say when I closed the front door of his house.

Then I hear his front door open and he runs to me grabbing my arm and stopping my path.

"Please don't go. Let’s think about this together."

"Please Harry let me go. I need to be alone right now." I said turning around and walking away.

 The tears keep coming down my cheeks while I was walking unknowing where I was going.

My phone keep buzzing with Harry's texts and calls for me, to the point that I turned it off. I need to be alone. This can't be happening. How could I let this happen! I'm not like this. It's himHe makes me do things I never thought I'd be doing!

Maybe I'm not meant to be with him. Maybe he's not my dream boy. But all he did till today was care about me. He never hurt me. He has always been there for me. I can't do this to him. His probably freaking out too.

I turn on my phone to call him and I realize that I'm in the same park we always go. I search for Harry's number on my phone and call him. He answers at the first ring.

"Carrie are you okay?" Concern in his voice. "Babe I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Please just forgive me. We can figure it out together what to do." He takes a deep breath and waits for me to speak. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah." I said my voice coming week. "Harry can you please meet me in the park. We have to talk." I said tears coming down my face.

"Yeah, I'm coming." He said hanging up.

Harry's POV

When Carrie called me my heart started racing. She sounded so weak and fragile. More than she already is. I rush out of the house and into my car. When I start driving I think I pass the speed limit but I didn't care, I just wanna be with Carrie and take care of her.

I didn't bother to park the car. I rushed into the garden and I spotted Carrie sitting in a bench. I rushed to her and knelt in front of her grabbing her hands.

"I'm so sorry babe." I said cupping her face and leaving a kiss on her cheek. She started to sob and tears came down her cheeks already wet. I rub my thumb on her cheek to dry her tears.

"Please baby don't cry. Tell me what I can do to help you, please just talk to me."

"I can't Harry." She said between sobs.

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