Chapter 32

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Carrie's POV


New York City


The only thing I can think.

Oh but wait. Is it in a bad or good way?


"Oh sorry." The only thing I can say when I'm walking on the streets.

I was about to pass at the crosswalk when a car honked really loud and I was pushed back by a middle age woman.

"Be careful girl." She said rising one eyebrow.

"Sorry." I said blushing.

I finally made my way to the other side of the street. Oh god I'm doomed!

"Get out of my way kid!" A man said and I was pushed to the side by someone else.

And that was when my foot got stuck in a hole on the side walk and I fell. Seconds later I wasn't on the ground anymore. What?

"Are you okay?" I was still confused when I realize that I was in the arms of someone. I look up and a boy, about my age maybe older, was looking at me.

I got out of his hold and composed myself clearing my throat.

"Sorry." Do I know any more words?

"Don't be. Are you okay?" He said still looking into my eyes. God! Stop looking at me. It's creepy.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks." I said smiling. "Ouch." I said feeling a little dizzy and my head pounding.

"You hit with your head on the wall." He said chuckling. "That's way I'm asking if you're okay." He said sticking his hands on his pockets.

"Yeah, my head hurts." I said rubbing my hand on the right side of my skull.

"Come; you must be hungry too. It's almost lunch time." He said nodding his head to the side for me to follow him.

I nodded and went with him.

"I'm Kevin by the way." He said while we were walking.

"Carrie." I said still with my hand on my head. "I think I have a bruise." I said chuckling.

"Let me see." He said stopping in the middle of the street. Why doesn't he get bumped by people? If I was alone, in the middle of this street and I'd stopped I would be dead right now. "Yeah you have a little cut in here. Nothing serious. It's not even bleeding." He said smiling and continuing the walk.

"What do you want to eat?" He asked when we were waiting inside the Cafe Gitane. I think it's French... by the name.

"This is a bit out of my budget." I said shrugging and looking to the menu.

"Don't worry about it. I'm the one who's going to pay." He said chuckling.

"No you're not." I said rising one eyebrow.

"Yes I am. Now pick something." He said looking to his menu.

"You don't even know me. Why are you making me choose something to eat, and you're the one who's going to pay."

"Because I was the one who pushed you to the floor. Sorry." He said scratching the back of his neck. I gasped and rolled my eyes.

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