Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

I showed Carrie the house. She was amazed by every single room and even the hall, full of art and sculptures.

"I can't believe your dad has a house like this one!"

"Well... technically it's mine now. But yeah this is huge. I once told my mom that we could live here, but she didn't wanted, because of her work. So I just come here time to time just to relax and be alone."

"I don't know if I would live in a place like this either..."

"Why not?"

"It's too big for me. I would like to have a house of my own but not too big."

We go outside and sit on a bench swing close to a small lagoon, with ducks and some water lilies and blue lotus flowers.

"This is beautiful out here." I rap my arms around her holding her close to me.

"So what's your dream house?"

"Humm... I want to have a medium size house, with at least 3 bedrooms each with bathroom, a big kitchen so I can cook, a leaving room with a huge TV and a dining room with an aquarium on the wall. On the outside I want a big pool and a barbecue so I can invite friends over."

"Wow! You have everything planed." I chuckle and smile at her.

"It's just something, my mom and I use to talk. She always wanted a house like that, but we never had the opportunity to buy it. My dad was going to, but she died and he never thought about that anymore..." She says looking down and picking at her nails.

I put a finger under her chin and lift up looking into her eyes.

"I'm sure one day you will have your dream house." I leave a kiss on her lips to ease her.

We watch the sunset on the bench. 

"It's so calm and peaceful here." She rests her head on my shoulder while looking to the horizon.

"That's why I sometimes came here to relax and just be alone to think."

"Yeah... Hey! We've been here for almost a day and Niall and Jamie didn’t come back. I wonder what they're doing. Maybe they could be lost!" Carrie stands up fast almost knocking me out the bench.

"Don't worry! Niall has been here with me before. They're fine. Come here." I said to her raising my arms for her.

"Well I'm hungry. How about we go make dinner?"

"I can order something..."

"No... I want to do it. I love cooking!"

"Okay okay. Let's go then." I stand up and grab her hand heading to the house.

Niall's POV

"We've been walking around for hours! Can we just go back home! I'm hungry and my feet are really hurting." Jamie whines stopping and massaging her feet with her hands.

I take a deep breath closing my eyes. "Look... Harry told me to bring you for a walk because he wanted to be alone with Carrie. Can you just stop complaining, and give your friend a time alone with her boyfriend?!" My eyes are wide as I look at her.

"Look! I can barely feel my feet! At least let's take a break!" She shouts at the same tone I was talking to her.



We sit close to a tree and she leans against it. I sit close to her, and we stay there watching the sunset.

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