I'm sick and sad
so we're being okay now by having someone react to being shipped
After I'm gonna lie down and be sad and off.
Lukas: Why am I doing this again?
Dawson: Because I did this with Jesse.
Lukas: Pfft, no one remember that chapter...
Cassie: *from the other room* GET WRECKED SON
Dawson: Stop it! *turns around to the door*
Lukas x Jesse
Lukas: *tilts head to one side* huh...?
Dawson: *shrugs*
Lukas x Petra
Lukas: *face is flushed a light coral*
Dawson: Yeah...
Lukas: You ship this?
Dawson: Yeah...
Lukas: *watching Petra in DLC* She's saying a lot of stuff about me behind my back, isn't she?
Dawson: Well, at least she was concerned about you..and you weren't around to hear them, weren't you?
Lukas: ....*face turns rose*
Dawson: And episode 5...
Lukas: *blushes*
Dawson: I've done my job
Lukas x Aiden
Lukas: hah
Lukas x Olivia
Lukas: ....huh...that would explain a lot...
Lukas: So, are we done yet...?
Dawson: Yeah, pretty much.
Lukas: pretty much?
Dawson: Well, this dosen't even account for all of the OC shippings of you, other background characters, other characters...*rolls out long tan list*
Lukas: ...
Dawson: Yeah. Hah, no. I don't wanna have to go through that. *sneezes and Australia screams because they thought it was an earthquake*
Jesse: *from the other room, sounding concerned* I'll go make some soup and get some blankets..
Dawson; *sniffly* thanks...*lies down and is almost asleep*
Petra: *ducks head into the room* So, how was i-
Lukas: *swiftly (yep, it's happening) kisses her on the nose and sprints out of the room*
Petra: ...0_0
Dawson: *on the ground* blame episode 5...
~Mc story mode stuff 3 :D
HumorAnxiety, murder mysteries, and calico cats. The best time to get some hot cocoa, a warm thin pastel blanket, your fluffy sweaters, and read this while it's raining calmly outside. Or thundering.