*just finishes up uhshe*
Cheridet won! Woo! ^^
Seri and Stacy are the most innocent cinnamon rolls of this earth..and Mousie, of course. Seri's laugh at the end just killed me.
(also when Stacy died it scared me so bad, I don't even know why)
I will be making this book about story mode, soon, I hope x)
I'm finding out inspiration for a warriors book, and was wondering if anyone wanted to collab on a book with me.
I either want to make a really good and interesting book, or one that's a terribly bad cliche of the warriors books.
(also I'm on book 5 now. Bluestar you baka, threatening innocent Tallstar. I know it's not her fault but..my child.)
And now to watch every single perspective of uhshe aftercall and then to make animations of each season and their aftercall.
I NEED to do this somehow x)
(...also, off-topic, I'm doing a collab book with @PheonixTheBlueberry that's a mix of story mode and undertale, it's called mine-tale ^^. we have it all planned out...)
~Mc story mode stuff 3 :D
HumorAnxiety, murder mysteries, and calico cats. The best time to get some hot cocoa, a warm thin pastel blanket, your fluffy sweaters, and read this while it's raining calmly outside. Or thundering.