Hello! ^^
So I feel like no one is on here...
well, barely anyone...
or maybe it's just me...
because they're off travelling or adventuring and hanging out with their friends and sleeping in....well, not me!
I'm staying here, my friends are all off traveling, and I'm getting zero sleep, woo!
Okay, I'm kidding...kind of...but honestly, I think it'll be better when These Games we Play come out on the 27th.
It should be done and published at around 5:00 in the evening, or so..I'm pretty excited for it ^^ also hanging out with you lil beans
Murder mysteries, old-timey costumes, guards with interesting powers, puzzles, and humor and shipping...I'm excited!
also I'm FINALLY going to be setting up story mode season two and since I'm apparently getting another computer, I get to play other games that I couldn't play before
AbZu...and...the Flame in the Flood...and that's it x)
~Mc story mode stuff 3 :D
HumorAnxiety, murder mysteries, and calico cats. The best time to get some hot cocoa, a warm thin pastel blanket, your fluffy sweaters, and read this while it's raining calmly outside. Or thundering.