12. S t a t u s

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t w e l v e : status

|status : a social media feature which allows users to discuss their thoughts, whereabout, or important information.|

"I mean the whole cheerleading team was talking about it and I wanted to see what the fuss is all about. That is when Amber showed it to me. And holy shit, Tori, he looks like some male model or Greek god or something. And you know what he -- "

"Pheebs, as much as I appreciate your detailed description of Daniel's perfect physique, I'd rather have you pay attention to the road. I am not in a mood to die today." I cut her off, buckling my seatbelt in place.

We were driving back from school, but instead of the road ahead, Phoebe was more interested in her cellphone. With one hand on the steering wheel, her other hand was vigorously scrolling her facebook news feed to find Daniel's shirtless picture that he posted the previous​ night.

"Watch out, you idiot!" I screeched as she hit the breaks inches before a car's rear. It was a red light. I immediately snatched her phone from her. "You'll get us killed."

"Wait, I found it, look at that." She said urgently pointing at her phone in my hand. Although Phoebe is one of the sweetest person I know, but I swear sometimes she gets on my nerves.

I glared at her and then saw the screen.

I glared at her and then saw the screen

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"I already saw this."

"You did?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I was the one who clicked it, you idiot. See the caption. And didn't I tell you the Craigs, Mom and I went to beach this Sunday?" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, of course! I totally forgot." Phoebe said, slamming the accelerator. The light was green now. "So, what's the deal, huh? Does he work out or what?"

"Apparently, he does. He wakes up at five every morning, jogs for an hour straight. Then he plays basketball at school and every evening he goes to gym and works out for another hour."

"Who knew Daniel Craig was a fitness freak," Phoebe commented.

"Fitness freak? He's just lucky enough to be a winner of genetic lottery. I mean have you seen his parents?" I scoffed. Poor Phoebe hadn't seen him eat. He literally eats like a pig and I am not exaggerating. "He's just an attention whore."

"Well, he has my sincerest attention." Phoebe winked. "And yours too."

"Probably, in his dreams." I rolled my eyes. I'll die before I accept that.

"Keep telling yourself that, hun." Phoebe said in a cooing tone. "Anyway, how are things going on between you two?"

"Well, to my surprise. They are actually good. I mean he hasn't been the usual dickhead he is. He's actually been quite civil. And as much as I hate to say it, I think I like spending time with him. I think I have actually moved past what he did." I told her honestly. It had been more than a few weeks since we had the whole heart to heart conversation and ever since then, our relationship is on mend.

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