From bad to worse

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XxX Nico POV XxX

I knew something was wrong as soon as that man appeared. I couldn't feel his life energy. Instead I felt something darker, not quite monster but most definitely not human. His hearing should have also been a clue. Percy and I had been talking in a low whisper so we wouldn't be heard. Now I was pinned to a tree while Percy was fighting that...Thing. I pulled against the ropes again but they didn't budge.

Percy must have gotten distracted because he went flying through the air and crashed into a nearby tree before scrambling to his feet. The thing/guy smiled sadisticly while licking Percy's blood off his fingertips.

"You have ancient blood" the guy muttered, why did that sound familiar? "It has been centuries since I have tasted blood this good, or strong" This is bad. This is bad. This is really, really bad. That guy was a freaking Vampire!

"Percy run! get out of here!" I shouted at him. We made eye contact and I knew I wasn't going to be happy. He nodded and swung riptide at the vampire before running over to me and cutting a piece of rope. "Percy no, he doesn't want me, he's after you. run!" He smirked.

"Did you really think that I would leave without yo-akk"

"Percy!!" I yelled as an arm snaked around his neck and another around his torso. Jason showed me that move once. It was a hold that few people could escape. Percy kicked and squirmed, yelling out every now and then until the vampire whispered something to him and he froze. I watched in horror as the creature whispered something else to Percy before biting down on the son of Poseidon's neck. Percy's body spasmed as he let out a strangled screamed. Barely a minute later Percy had gone limp in the man's arms. The vampire sat down and cradled Percy in his arms before biting down on Percy again. This time Percy wimpered and pawed at his attacker, too weak to do anything else. I felt tears running down my cheeks but never took my eyes off of Percy. I watched as his eyes glazed over from the venom that had been injected into his body. His eyes started to close I let myself go limp as the tears trickled down my face.

The crack of a leaf being crushed caught my attention. Looking up I saw a girl maybe a few years older than me. She had long curly black hair and deep violet eyes. Percy opened his eyes and looked at her too before passing out. From blood loss most likely. The girl frowned and growled? She walked up to the vampire who still had it's fangs in Percy's throat. She tapped the vampire on the shoulder and punched him in the face, catching Percy and gently lowered him to the ground before pulling a cross shaped wooden dagger. She advanced on the vampire, her movements fluid and leathe. The two stared at each other with hatred before they attacked. They moved way too fast for my eyes to follow. Finally the fighting stopped when the girl shoved her dagger through the man's ribcage and I saw the tip sticking out of his back. She ripped the dagger out of the man and rushed to where Percy was laying pale.

"Come on" I heard her mumble as she tried to find his pulse on his wrist. "Don't be like that" she whispered softly before moving her hand to his neck. "Thank goodness" she muttered before taking her dagger and slicing her arm open. I gagged when she let the blood dribble into Percy's mouth. Percy's body twitched before biting into the girls arm hungrily. The girl grimaced from the pain and watched Percy expectantly. Suddenly Percy made a choking noise and thrashed around for a few minutes. His eyes flashed open, a brighter green than ever, before he went limp. The mystery girl ,now with a freshly wrapped arm, smiled at Percy's limp form before picking him up and turning to me. She pulled out the dagger and cut the ropes causing me to fall to the ground. Jumping up quickly I saw her somewhat smirking at me.

"Tell your friends what happened but leave out any information about the ancient blood, you can call me Neih" she said as she re-adjusted her grip on Percy. "Once I figure out what to do with him I will send someone to retrieve you and those girls, until then do not try to seek us out. Got it?" Neih said before walking off into the forest. I nodded before stumbling back to the camp site. Thalia saw me first.

"Nico what's wrong? Where's Percy? Nico, what happened?" Annabeth walked up to me.

"Nico sit down and tell us what happened." She said and I did just that, I told them about everything except the ancient blood. For some reason I decided to listen to Neih. It may have been the fact that she had Percy though. I put my face in my hands and groaned.


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