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→Liz Pov←

I could believe that this kid was powerful. He gave off the same aura that Kyle gave of as an Alpha. Though I had to wonder what Kyle had ment when he said our pup had awakened. The pup wimpered quietly in his sleep.

"It is just a dream child. We will protect you from the dangers little pup." I whispered to the pup while stroking his hair. I heard a movement at the opening of the tent and growled. Jared quickly backed up, oops.

" It's just me, I'm not going to hurt the pup but night is coming. Like any wolf he should change since he was just awakened. You should prepare a smaller bed. Kyle did say that he would be a pup when he turned." I nodded at Jareds words before grabbing some blankets and arranging them so that the pup would be comfortable. Glancing out the opening in my tent I saw Jared was right, night was coming. I saw the reds and oranges of the sunset just above the tree line. Glancing back at the pup, he was still sleeping. I quickly unwrapped the gauze on his neck. His wolf form would reveal injuries more so I had to be ready to heal him. Once I had gotten things ready I sat down on one of the tables and motioned for Jared to come sit down.

"So what do you think about the pup?" I asked Jared.

"I'm not sure yet but I can tell he is powerful. I wonder if he is like me?" he replied. Before Jared was turned he was a son of Hermes. What if the new pup was also a demi-god. If the vampires found out he was they would hunt him more than they are already going to. I was torn from my thought when Kyle and Neih stepped into the tent followed by three other people. All of which rushed at my pup. I stepped infront of them and snarled. They quickly backed up.

"Liz they are his friends. Let them see him." Kyle ordered causing me to whimper and back away. They rushed to the pups side. The blond stroked his face while the boy stood over them all, watching us warily. I turned to Kyle and whimpered quietly. He smiled at me.

"You feel protective don't you?" I nodded. "I think you have found your pup." He said.

"Do you really think so?" I asked excitedly. He nodded his head smiling causing my smile to expand until it hurt. The boy looked at us curiously.

"What do you mean, found your pup?" he asked. Kyle turned to him.

"As a wolf you can have children but they are hard to raise and they are not immortal so they die much to the mother wolfs distress. When a new wolf is turned or as we see here awakened they will form a bond with an older wolf. They become parent and pup. In a pack insulting the parent or pup can cause a huge fight that can not be interfered with." he explained. My pup wimpered as he began to shrink. The girls that had come with Neih jumped back as I rushed over. He was adorable. He was a little black furball with a silver streak down his left side. I picked him up and nuzzled him, rocking back and forth before laying him down gently on the little bed I had made. He whimpered at the loss of my body heat so I picked him back up. The girls looked at me strangely so I glared at them. The blonde lowered her eyes while the dark haired girl stepped back.

"Nico did we ever introduce ourselves" she asked.

"err no" the pale boy answered.

"I'm Thalia" she said to us.

"Nico" the boy said.

"Ignore Nico he only ever speaks to Percy, I'm Annabeth" the blonde said.

"I'm Liz and this is Jared, I hope you have met Kyle and Neih" I introduced. "So what did you say my pup's name was?". Annabeth did not seem to like that.

"Percy, his name is Percy" Nico said glancing down at the black furball curled up in my arms. "can I, er, hold him?" he asked cautiously. I stared at the boy before handing Percy to him. He nodded in thanks as my pup settled in his arms. Smiling slightly Nico stroked Percy behind the ear as my pup slept. His smile faltered as he contemplated something. He caught Thalia's eyes and they seemed to silently discuss something. Finally Thalia nodded and Nico looked up.

"Kyle, I can't leave Percy to fight this alone. W-will you turn me so that I may help protect him?" He said. Kyle seemed suprised for a moment.

"Sure, lets wait until our pup awakens first then we shall announce two new members to the rest of the pack. You will be turned by a volunteer then" Kyle said calmly. Annabeth on the other hand was not happy.

"Nico what are you thinking! What are we going to tell Chiron when just Thalia and I return?" She somewhat screeched at the poor boy.

"The truth" was all Nico said, successfully silencing her. Percy stirred in Nico's arms before looking up at the boy. Big green eyes filled with fear, confusion, and happiness. He yipped and licked Nico on the nose.

"Nico! Thank gods you're okay! I thought that once the man had killed me he would go for you. I was so scared since you were tied up and-" I cut him off since Nico couldn't understand him.

"Percy calm down. They can not understand you. If you want them to understand you I need you to listen to me can you do that?" I asked. He nodded his little head. "Nico you may want to put him down. Okay now Percy picture yourself in your mind and focus on yourself." He closed his eyes and his body grew until the teenager that Neih had carried in here stood before me. He smiled at me before he collapsed into Nico's waiting arms. Nico turned to Kyle.

"We should do it now. Perc is still weak so he will have to rest soon." Kyle nodded.

"Percy would you accept my offer of membership into the New Moon Pack?" Percy nodded while trying, and failing, to stand up. "We shall now hold a pack meeting. Follow me."


Hope you all like.

Yes I added perico themes. I will accept flames for this but please don't discontinue reading. It will NOT be a pairing.

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