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This one was supposed to be read before initiation.....

Neih POV

Percy was showing to be a good thing for the pack. If someone was upset he would try to talk to them and if that didn't work he would go puppy and play with them until they where laughing so hard they couldn't breath. Nico stuck closer to Percy so he met everyone in less than a week. Nico took a bit more coaxing to get to talk but if Percy asked he would. Percy had the cutest puppy eyes ever. The only ones immune where Liz, Kyle, and the roses. Not the flowers but a mini pack within our own. Led by Sage they where like the popular girls from a human high school. Sage wasn't cruel but she was cold. I don't blame her we found her abandoned and covered in scratches and bruises as well as bite marks. She was just about to turn for the first time. Her black hair(turned brown after we washed it) was plastered with blood and her blue eyes filled with pain. She had been attacked by a small pack of rouges. Once she began to feel more at home with the pack she started her group. Her first recruit was a younger member named Kellsi. Kellsi has bright red curly hair, soft green eyes, and a fiery temper. She wasn't too mean though but she would put you in your place. Jade came soon after. She had long straight black hair and deep blue eyes. She, like Nico, didn't talk much. She did however choose the name of their group. The Roses. A pretty, sweet flower that will prick those too close if one is not careful. A well chosen name. They where fierce in battle though.

"What's up Neih" I turned to see Percy shadowed by a silent Nico.

"Not much just thinking-" I was cut off by a growl from across the clearing. Turning I saw Liz facing a pale figure that had a twisted smile on its face. It was looking straight at Percy.

"Percy get in a tent" Nico whispered. Percy's eyes never left the vampire as he shook his head in refusal. The vampire smirked as he raised a hand revealing a black tatoo on his wrist. Kyle stiffened before looking to the trees.

"Get ready!" he yelled as the vampire dropped his hand and the trees exploded inwards. Nico immediately pulled out his sword and cut down a vampire that lunged at Percy. Percy on the other hand was no longer there causing Nico to curse before I was dragged into the fight. I staked two or three before a silver stud landed near my feet.

"They've got a sniper!" I yelled out as I dodged another stud.

Nico POV

I was so mad right now. I joined this pack to protect Percy and at the first sign of trouble he disappears. Right into the middle probably. I sliced up blood suckers as I mentally cursed him.

Percy POV

They where here for me. I had to kill them before they hurt anyone. Once Nico was distracted I charged one of the nearer ones. My stake went straight through his chest before I ripped it out and sent it through another's. I did this several times before I felt something puncture my arm. The vampire let go after I stabbed him and I stumbled as the venom made me woozy. Shaking my head I stepped forward and stabbed another blood sucker in the heart.

"They've got a sniper!" I heard Neih yell out. I looked up to see a vampire perched up in the trees pointing a crossbow at one of the girls, Jade I think. I took off running as he pulled the trigger. I lunged at Jade knocking us both to the ground before I screamed in agony. A burning feeling pushed through my ankle and spread up my entire body as black spots filled my vision.

Nico POV

I stiffened when a scream pierced the air, Percy's scream. Turning I saw him laying on top of a stiff, wide eyed Jade. His body was stiff with pain and I could understand why. Deeply imbedded in his ankle was a silver stake.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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