The wolves

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◆◇◆Neih Pov◆◇◆

I carried the boy back to the camp we had been staying at. On my way there I wondered what than vamp had meant by ancient blood. I hope the blood worked in ridding the venom from what was left in his bloodstream.

"Neih, where have you been?" I looked up to see Jared standing there.

"I saw a vamp feeding on this poor boy and decided to interfere" I said motioning to the unconscious teen in my arms. Jared reacted instantly,

"Did you give him the blood? Is he dead? Did you kill the vampire? Are you alright?" I nodded or shook my head at each question. "Then get him into camp and have Liz take a look at him." He said before turning and walking straight through camp to Liz's tent. I placed the boy on the table as Liz ran to my side.

"Did you give him the blood?" I held up my wrapped arm.

"His bite had a bit of venom in it but his heart was still beating" I informed her. She frowned.

"That's not normal" she said before taking a few drops of blood and quickly sealing the wound. She then turned to me and took a few drops. Walking over to a table to the left of the tent and pulled out two test tubes containing a clear liquid. She poured my blood into one of them. I love watching my blood swirl in the serum until it turned a clearish red color. When she poured the boys blood into the vial we gasped. His blood spilled into the vial turning the clear liquid a deep red. Liz cursed before turning to me.

"Go get Kyle, Now!" she ordered. Shrinking back I nodded before running out of her tent and into Kyle's. He stood up the moment I stepped through the opening.

"Neih, What is it?" he asked.

"I don't know, Liz wants you." I said keeping my head low.

"Neih you don't have to respect me like that, as my lutenit you are my equal. Come lets go see what Liz wants." he said. Nodding we walked back to Liz's tent where she was tending to the teen. She put a paste on his neck where the vampire had bit him before placing a piece of gauze on it and wrapped it.

"Another one?" Kyle mumbled "How old is this one?" he said mornfully. Liz turned.

"eighteen or nineteen but you need to see this Kyle" she went back over to the table and picked up the vials. "This is Neih's," she raised mine "And this is the boys." When she raised his Kyle's had shot out and grabbed it.

"Son of Lycon, he is a blood pup." I looked from Kyle to the boy and back.

"What is a blood pup?" I asked. Kyle smiled before motioning for us all to sit down.

"A blood pup is a wolf by blood. He would turn into a wolf when he turned twenty-one but his wolf form would be that of a pup. As he grew stronger his wolf form would age until he reached his immortality age, around twenty-five. His wolf senses would be thrice as strong and he would be faster than the average wolf but there is also a downfall to being a blood pup. While our blood is poisonous to vampires a blood pups blood is like the water from the fountain of youth. The pups where almost hunted to extinction by the vampires and now that this pup has been awakened they will hunt him too." I thought over what he had said. This poor pup was going to be hunted, he needed a pack.

"Kyle he is going to need a pack." he nodded

"That is why I am going to ask him to join the pack, Liz make sure he is okay. Jared get a tent ready for him to stay in. Neih come with me." With that he walked out with me trailing behind him. He led me to the edge of camp.

"Something tells me he wasn't alone, we should inform those he was with on what has happened. They will want to know." I nodded before leading him to the directon of the other boy's scent. We found ourselves in a small clearing. I stepped on a stick to get their attention. In about three seconds I had two swords and a dagger pointed at me. I waited for the boy to recognize me.

"Neih! Where is Percy?" he looked so worried for his friend.

"I am Neih and this is Kyle, we have much to speak about concerning Percy" I said. Nodding the black haired girl led us to one of the tents. I let Kyle explain everything to them what had happened and what was going on.

"why is it always you Percy?" The blonde, Annabeth groaned. Thalia saw this in a completely different view.

"So Percy is a puppy" she snorted.

This was one interesting group.


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