Chapter 4

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Warning: Animal abuse in this chapter

Jack (senior) Pov

Today I am on play ground duty. The best part is going to see these kids who they were, who are their friends and what they are like. But I haven't yet seen Jack or Josephine. Perhaps they are sick today.

I then walk around eating my bacon and egg sandwich when I hear the sounds of a dog dying. I then run down the alleyway only to see Jack and Josephine throwing rocks at it and kicking it. Wtaf?!

"Hey hey hey", I interrupted them, "what the hell do you think your doing?!", they then just stared at me with their eyes glowing wide like they did when we first met, "what the hell do you think your doing to this poor  this dog!", I yelled at them, "HUH! This poor dog is now dying because of you two!! What do you two have to say about that? For all I know this could be someone's poor dog in you class for heavens sake! Now look at it", the children then started to cry.

"I'm sorry Jack. We're so sorry Jack", they both cried together. I then grabbed both by them by their hair and pulled them out of the dark alleyway.

"You two should be ashamed of what you have done!", I yelled at them in anger and disgust, "why can't you enjoy lunch and sit down with your friends?"

"WE DON'T HAVE ANY FRIENDS!", Josephine snapped at me. Now I feel terrible.

"Go on and get out!", I pushed them in the opposite direction. They then ran. I then looked at back at the bloody dog on the cold hard concrete waiting to die. It wept and winced in pain. I feel terrible for it. Legs and limbs broken bleeding all over. This is no way a dog should live or be treated. I then picked up a large stone that they throwed at it and put it out of its misery.

I walked back to class in absolute disgust. The worst part was I have to face them in detention.


We just sat their looking at each other with not a word said and nothing being down. I need to get out of here. We need to get out of here.

"How about we go to the park?", their faces then lit up with joy. They then took their books and we exited the school grounds.

The park was beautiful with a lake in the middle infested by white ducks and Lilly pads. We then took a spot under a big tree with a seat beside it. They then both grabbed out their portfolios and started to draw like I did.

"Hey what about we draw something together? Like Jack your draw the head, Josephine the body, and me the legs. Then we can combine them to see what it looks like", I suggested to them.

"So we each draw a part of the body and in the end we join them together to make a drawing?", small Jack confirmed with me.

"Yeah that's pretty much it", I clarified with him. We then each took a piece of paper and drew our part assigned. Young Jack has the head, Josephine has the torso, and I have the legs. "One.. Two.. Three", we then flipped our drawings over. We then layed them over each other to create our stunning artwork. "Now all we have to do is glue or stick them together to stay like that", I then finished alining the pieces of paper together. We then all stared at what we had created together.

The women's face reminded me a lot like Rose. Her torso was fit with a dress and corset that made her breast pop a bit out, and she had a normal dress trail that matched the design on her torso. These eight year old kids are fricken amazing at art!

"Here it's your now", I handed it to them with their mouths dropping, "you can give it to your mother. Show her how talented and gifted you are", they both just smiled.

"Thank you Jack! thank you!", they rejoiced and cuddled me. They then picked up their bags and went home.

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