I - Last forever

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Hermione looked around. She was totally uncomfortable with this. She was at the Yule Ball in the Great Hall, but her date had disappeared and now she was just standing there, waiting for him, or anyone else really, to come back. She didn't really mind who it would be, if it was just anyone she knew.

 "Granger..." a voice said, "I must say you look truly gorgeous tonight."

 "Thanks..?" Hermione said, unsure of what else to reply to the compliment of none other than Draco Malfoy, who had done nothing but bully her her entire Hogwarts career. 

 She frowned "You know, I'm here with Neville Longbottom."

Draco's face wasn't wearing an expression, but his eyes showed utter disgust and something that resembled shock. "There are so many good-looking people at Hogwarts, and you choose him? The weird nerd?" He looked genuinely confused. 

"Uh, he asked me!" Hermione replied defensively, like she should be embarassed about her date. Neville was amazing. Just a bit... clumsy. 

"And why would you say yes to him?" Draco asked, clearly frustrated about her choice of partner. 

 "Because he was the only one who asked me, if you really have to know!" There. She said it. She heaved a sigh.

 "Look around! All of the boys are staring at you!"

 "Yeah, because you're here!" Very unusual behavior indeed. 

 "It's because you look too amazing not to look at, that's why! How can you be so blind?"

He- "You're the blind one!"

 "Why would I be the blind one? YOUR nose is always in the books!"

 "I'm the bloody bookworm, that's my job! Why are you even here!"

Draco ignored her last question. "I bet there are dozens of boys who wanted to ask you but just didn't had the courage to."

"Why would they? Nobody wants to go to the ball with an insufferable know-it-all!" she snapped.

 "I would!" he blurred out and mentally slapped himself. 

Hermione stood there, frozen. Draco Malfoy, the boy that had been hating and bullying her for as long as she could remember, had just said to her face that he wanted to go to the ball with her!

"What?" she asked weakly.

 "Just...just forget." He closed his eyes in defeat. This was what happened when he let slip his mask for a moment. He began to walk away, head hanging down. This was really just the best moment ever to just let that slip out! 

A sad sigh escaped his lips as he ignored Hermione calling his name. "Malfoy!" she repeated. "Please.. Come back.." 

She had whispered, but he still heard it. He stopped moving and closed his eyes. "Why? Why would I come back, Hermione? It's not like I can be rejected more than this."

But he sighed and walked back to her. He couldn't refuse her. It felt like they had been standing there for an eternity. Hermione was the first one to speak – a bit shaky, but speak: "Did I say I rejected you?" 

Draco looked up. His belly fluttered. She looked at the ground, uncomfortable. Why, yes, of course she was. 

After a few tense minutes of silence, Hermione closed her eyes and couldn't stop herself from saying something that made Draco smile. "Let's dance.." A shy blush made its way to her cheeks. 

Draco's eyes grew big. "You-you actually wanna dance?" he asked disbelieving. "With me?"

 "No, with your twin brother," she said sarcastically, while she took his hand and led him to the dance floor. Draco felt a small smile creep up his mouth. He took her soft hands in his and escorted her to the to middle of the floor. 

"This song is for all the happy couples here," McGonagall said. Everybody looked up. "Enjoy.." She turned on the song. 

Draco placed his hands at Hermione's waist and she placed her hands around his neck. They slowly began to swift at their place. 

All the couples around them were visibly in love. Draco and Hermione looked the exact same way. The only difference was that they were unaware. But they could feel that something was going to happen. 

They both got lost in each other's eyes: Hermione in Draco's stormy grey ones and Draco in Hermione's chocolate brown ones. She placed her head on Draco's chest and closed her eyes. He stirred for a moment, but relaxed almost instantly. 

She couldn't believe what was happening. She was dancing with Draco Malfoy. 

And she didn't like it. No, she LOVED it. 

It was like some kind of hidden feeling had finally showed up, and it made her feel truly happy. She could feel Draco's heart beating fast. He was nervous... That was way too adorable. Hermione felt herself melt against him. 

They got lost in the moment, both not wanting it to stop. Hermione lifted her head to look him in the eyes. She knew it was gonna happen because of the way they were spalking mischievously. She gazed at his lips. He gazed at hers. They both smirked and leaned in. Then Hermione felt his soft lips crashed down on hers. She mentally sighed. 

This was one of those perfect moments you wished could last forever.

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