II - Draco's secret love

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"Who is it? You have to tell me!" ordered Blaise his best friend. 

"No-OO! I already told you you weren't even supposed to know!" Draco snapped irritated.

 "Hey! If you're in love I just NEED to know with who!" 

Draco growled. "Do I have to say it again? N.O. NO. I won't tell you!" 

Zabini sighed frustrated. "How can I live with you? You're such an insufferable arse." 

Draco looked away and rolled his eyes. 

In the one or other way he always got confronted with his 'secret love', as the school it called. Because it was a secret,  whole Hogwarts already knew, of course. 

For example, Pansy Parkinslut had spread the rumor that he liked her. That thought already made him want to puke. Others, however, were convinced that he liked the most popular girl from Ravenclaw (believe it or not, but that'd be Loony) and again others believed he was gay and had a crush on Potter. Seriously, what was wrong with those people?!

He heard giggling. Draco turned his head to the entrance of the Great Hall. Hermione Granger —he could recognize her bushy hair from miles away — and a few other girls were giggling as idiots.  Blaise also looked that way. 

"Is she one of them?" he whispered.

"What? No!" Draco said a bit too quick. Lucky for him, Zabini didn't saw him blush. Thank Salazar for that. 

Hermione sat down at the Gryffindor table and immediately got into an argument with Weasel.


But then suddenly, she stood up and started to yell at the grumpy ginger in front of her.

"Why would you care about who I'm crushing on! It's none of your bloody business, Ronald. And by the way, if you weren't so busy with stuffing your face with food, you would've noticed that it's Malfoy!"  She clasped her hand over her mouth, turned a dark shade of red and stormed out of the Great Hall. 

Everyone was looking at Draco now. Awkward

Blaise had a huge smirk on his face. "If it's her, you better go after her!" 

Draco smiled goofy and stood up. He turned around, smirked and raised his eyebrow at Blaise, who's eyes were sparkling with joy.  "Now you know." He ran after Hermione, leaving the Great Hall in one big chaos. 

Footsteps on the left. 

He turned around the corner and just saw a piece of Hermione's robe. He tried to grab it, but failed miserably and he almost fell on his butt. 


 He heard sniffing out of the Girls' bathroom and stopped to gain breath. "Go away!" sounded from inside and he smiled sadly. 

"It's..me." The sniffing stopped and he heard a door creek. 

"Draco," he blurred out. He heard her blow her nose and water started to flow. "Can I come in?" He asked gently.

 Then there was suddenly some kind of 'bang' and Draco rushed inside. Hermione lay on the ground, sobbing and drenched in her own tears. He strode over to her and sat down beside her. 

He slowly wiped the tears off her tear-strained face. She looked at him, and then turned her puffy eyes to the ground. She sniffed and proceeded a small smile.

 "Why're you here?" she asked huskily and in a low voice. 

He noticed that he lifted her chin up and that he smiled at her. Hermione stared in his eyes, as if she was searching for an answer, and when she seemed to have found it, she slowly she leaned in. 

There was only one word for what Draco felt at that moment: 


But all his worries disappeared when their lips touched and he immediately gave in. 

Hermione's eyes were closed, so were Draco's. They kissed like there was no tomorrow and only stopped to breath. 

Hermione rested her head on Draco's shoulder and together they restrained air. Draco turned so his forehead rested on her forehead and smiled.

"I like you, Hermione Granger," he whispered in her ear.

Hermione giggled adorably.

"I like you too." 

They closed their eyes and leaned in for another kiss. 

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