IV - Love in the head dorms

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Hermione walked through the corridors of Hogwarts, pace fast, books desperately clutched against her chest, eyes absorbing everything single detail of her surroundings. Turning around a corner, she gasped for breath and clamped her hips. 

After she stood there for something like 30 seconds, she inhaled deeply and slowly started to build up tempo again. She had to hurry. Even if it hurt. Panting, she ran through the hallways. She smiled tiredly when she saw that she had almost reached her destination:

The Head Dorms. 

The Head Dorm was were she and the Head Boy slept. Seeing that she was the Head Girl she knew where it was, but other people weren't permitted to know. McGonagall had emphasized that especially. 

The entrance to the Dorms was a wall on the third floor. At first sight you couldn't see it, but if you got closer, you could see two symbols of two Houses. That were the houses the Head Boy and Girl were in. There was one tiny little window, in case one of the Heads forgot the password: if one of them was inside, that person could see who wanted to come in. But of course only the Head Girl and Boy had access. 

There was a timer on the wall: you cannot enter after curfew.  It was almost before eleven, what'd mean that the entrance would close in exactly..one minute.

She ran even harder, panicked, but just before she reached the wall, the clock stroke. 

It was eleven o'clock.


Now, she had to ask Draco to let her in. She didn't want that. Her goal was to slip in without him noticing. She wasn't (for once) in the mood for his handsomeness right now. 

And no, she did not have a crush on him.

He had changed. Draco. He had become even more good-looking and he (don't ask how) had managed to become Head Boy. What meant that they shared a dorm. Which she was, for some unknown reason, quite happy about. 

But she knew that he wouldn't just let her in, no, of course he had to make it hard for her. He liked to frustrate her. He seemed to find it very amusing. That was anyways what she derived from his behavior. 

Ha ha.

So, when she reached the entrance, Draco stood, just like she expected,  there waiting for her. She moaned and rubbed her eyes. He smirked at her through the small window. 

"Let me in, please?" His smirk grew in respons, and he crossed his arms. 

Really, if I told you they were on friendly terms you wouldn't believe me. But they had indeed developed some kind of love/hate relationship, what would probably explain the following.. :

Licking his lips, he said: "Tell you what? I'll let you in this dorm in exchange for... a kiss."

Okay, well, forget the 'I-don't-have-a-crush-on-him-thing'. If she really didn't have a crush on him, then why did her belly flutter as hell? 

Hermione blinked. Silence, silence before the storm.

"What?!" Hermione shrieked , "Excuse me, WHAT did you say? Did you just..you let me in if we..if we.."

"Kiss. Yes. That's what I said."

"Are you being seriou-No! What the fu...zzles do you think I think about you!"

He suddenly clasped his hands over his mouth. She looked backwards, but saw nothing. When Hermione looked at him again, he seemed to be totally drooling about something. He brought his hand to his forehead and blinked furiously with his eye lashes, as if he was one of those fangirling-girls. She frowned.

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