V - Beaver bookworm or babe? (1)

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Okay, so she was in the library, and all the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw girls were staring at her.

That was weird for two reasons;

 One, normally the library was the most tiny populated place on Hogwarts, and 2, they only came here when Draco Malfoy was here and he was not- never mind. He was.

She raised her eyebrow. The Gryffindors looked away, but the Ravenclaws kept staring at her. "What?" Hermione snapped irritated. They giggled and started to whisper to each other.

And you'd think they were the smart ones.

She sighed frustrated and turned the page of her book. She tried to read for the next few minutes, but the unstoppable whispering and giggling of her classmates hold her from it, and at a given point, she was done with it. She slammed her book closed and laid it down. "What? Why are you staring  and giggling at me like you are some overrated fangirls?" 

They giggled. "What the hell is going on?"

They just continued giggling like baby unicorns and pointed at Malfoy. 

Hermione inhaled deeply and narrowed her eyes at the side of Malfoy's head. She studied his features.

Draco was a slender boy with sleek white-blond hair, cold grey eyes, a pale complexion and rather sharp, pointed features. He had haughty good looks. His hair was perfect and he had long eye lashes. His face looked healthy and young and he had a pointy chin.

She looked back at the girls. "Okay, I understand that you think he's handsome, but then why do you keep bothering me?" she asked impatiently.

"Oh Hermione, darling, we're not only here because of him," one of the pretty Ravenclaw girls said. She had long blonde hair till her waist and wore clothes who didn't hide her body and perfect shape at all. Her lips were soft pink and she smirked naughtily.

"Cassandra!" One of her less pretty friends (this girl looked like a grey mouse and was really tiny) nudged her and softly pulled her arm.

"What?" she hissed at her, glancing at Hermione from the corners of her eyes.

"Nothing, sorry.." The girl looked at her feet, and Hermione felt sorry for her.

"That's right. Now, Hermione," the girl who's name apparently was Cassandra continued, "is it true?" Hermione frowned not understanding.


The girl seemed to have real joy in this. 

"You know..is it true that you're dating Draco Malfoy?"

Hermione gasped. "WHAT? Uhhh no! W-W-How did you get that idea?" she shrieked.

Madame Pince shushed them down and Hermione shot her (for the first time in her life) a nasty look.

Draco looked up and spotted the girls. He smirked and they all squealed. He stood up and walked over to them, hands in his pockets. "Hi there girls. How ya doing?"

Cassandra immediately walked to the front and blinked furiously while twirling her hair around her fingers. "Oh Draco, great! Even more now you're here! How come that I didn't notiiiice?"

Hermione snorted aggressively and looked away, pursing her lips while she studied her nails, trying her hardest to ignore the young Slytherin in front of her. She looked up again and stared Draco right in his eyes. They grew bigger in surprise. She laughed silently.

He wrinkled his nose slightly and frowned. "How come I didn't see you here?" He looked genuinely irritated.

Cassandra blinked and stared at the two, clearly interested. Cassandra laughed awkwardly. She shot Hermione an angry look and turned to Draco. She placed her hand on his chest and Hermione suddenly felt a pang of jealousy.

"What d'you mean, Draco?" the bįtch asked him.

He shrugged. "I mean that I wonder why I didn't notice beaver bookworm in here. You can see her exploded hair from miles away. Such a mudblood."

The giggling-like-baboons-girls' noticed the sudden change in mood and shuffled away quietly, leaving the two alone.

That was it.

The last insult he'd ever throw at her, make sure of that.

Because Hermione Granger was gonna get him back for this.



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