VI - Beaver bookworm or babe? (2)

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Days passes and still Hermione hadn't taken the revenge she so desperately wanted. Her mind just couldn't seem to come up with something. Something good, something he wouldn't expect.

It was in History of Magic class that she finally got the genial idea she so craved for. 

Professor Binns floated back and forth and through his chalkboard and everyone was as good as asleep so that Hermione was the only one who was paying attention. While taking  notes, she looked at the faces of her sleeping classmates. 

Ron. Yeah, Ron. Slobber was on his chin and dripped onto his parchment. He looked disgusting. 

Harry was half asleep, half awake. Regularly he would scribble something down and then doze off again. 

Neville was hundred percent asleep and so was the rest of the class. A girl from Hufflepuff woke up at that moment what made her and Hermione the only one awake. 

Hermione sighed irritated. It was really interesting! 

Professor Binns had discovered that everyone was sleeping and he screamed hard. Merlin.

The whole class shook awake. Hermione rolled her eyes and raised her hand. The grumpy professor nodded at her. "Whaatt, Miss Graffel? Do you know wha I was sayin' orrr were you asssleep toooo?"

"It's Granger, sir, and no. In comparisation to the others, I wasn't asleep. Shall I repeat what you were saying?" Binns nodded slowly and narrowed his eyes. He looked around thr classroom, as of daring anyone to argue him.

Hermione inhaled deeply. "What professor Binns was telling about, was that a long time ago, a wizard called Sagippa  was in love with a girl he couldn't get, so he spread the rumor that he and she were having affairs. The whole village he lived in knew of it and everyone approved: they were both loved by the folk. You understand that the girl - who hadn't  even talked to him once - wanted to know what was going on. Sagippa and the girl met on a hill at twilight one day and the girl discovered that he was actually quite nice. The more and more they talked, the more and more they started to fall for each other. They hang out regularly - what made the rumor seem even more true - and shared several dinners. Five years later, they got together and shortly after, they married and lived happily ever after."

The class gaped at her. The girls were giggling and the boys were rolling their eyes. Satisfied, Hermione sat down. Professor Binns nodded approvingly at her and it was at that moment that Hermione got her inspiration.

She gasped.

She was gonna act like Sagippa. The rumors were already spread, but this time, this time she was gonna go with it. She was gonna act like they were true. 

She clamped her fists in victory and stood up abruptly, what caused her chair to fall. With a swipe of her wand it stood on its place again and she left the classroom as first. 

While walking through the castle, she wondered where Draco was. She didn't know his schedule, luch was in a few minutes, and he couldn't be in his common room already because he just got out of his  class.

She smirked.



It was crowdy in the Great Hall. All the students were eating (as always) and the weather on the enchanted ceiling was beautiful. The sun shone into the Hall and the students were all talking. She sat down at the Gryffindor table with a huge smile on her face. 

Ron looked at her for a minimum of two seconds before turning back to his chicken leg. 

She rolled her eyes and took a sandwiches of one of the plates. While chewing, she looked around the Hall, trying to spot  Malfoy. He sat next to Pansy Parkinson and Blaise. He seemed in a sort of angry mood. She smirked. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2018 ⏰

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