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Farah's P.o.v

"Quiet or we will wake them up" Beau says as he laces our fingers together as we tiptoe downstairs at 4 in the morning.

"Okay so let's be quick" I tell him as i hold on tightly to the towel wrapped around me.

we open up the back yard door.

the cold concrete makes me jump a little the sky is pitch black and i'm practically freezing.

"We can finally check this off" Beau says winking at me.

"Okay let's hurry Beau" i whisper as we both drop our towels.

His eyes gaze me up and down a bit too slow.

"Stop staring you annoying human"

The both of us jump in the cold pool water.

I instantly get shivers as i rise too the top of the water.

i catch a breath and wait for Beau too rise but seconds pass and i cant see him under the water for him since it's pitch black.

"Beau" I whisper as i swim around and start too panic.

i feel my foot get tugged under the water and scream leaves my mouth

Beau rises and doesn't stop laughing at me.

"Grow up asshole" I mutter shoving him off me.

"Cheer up Faz" He says with a grin.

he places a wet kiss too my lips as his hands rest on my bare hips.

"I must admit this is pretty romantic" Beau says as he flaps his arms like a bird.

"So romantic hey Beau" i say flipping him the finger.

No suns out and the pool heater isn't on and my body feels like its going to get numb.

"I'm freezing can we get out now" I say as my teeth chatter and i get goose bumps.

"I could warm you up" Beau says as his gaze Re connects with mine.

"Such a pervert i swear" I tell him. his emerald green eyes are still noticeable in this dark they have some sort of light in them i don't even know how too explain.

We both sit on the pool step together as i practically freeze my ass off.

"Can you believe they are having a girl"? i ask Beau referring to Julianna and Ryan.

"It's crazy too believe shes even pregnant" He says as he wraps a toned arm around my shoulder.

"Do you ever think about you and i having kids"? I ask with curiosity wanting to desperately  know.

"Well in the future not soon like in a few years or anything" he says as he runs a hand through his hair.

"whats wrong" i question at his sudden mood change.

"I wouldn't want to be a fuck up like my dad" He says as he rests his head on my exposed shoulder.

"Beau don't think like that you would be a great father. I know we joke around a lot but i honestly think we would be great parents". And that's honestly exactly how i feel about him and i being parents. He would make a great father.

"I hope so and you would make a great mother" He says placing a soft kiss on my lips.

"We will have too baby sit little Rachelle one day" i tell him as i put my hair too one side of my shoulder

"You mean baby Beatrice"? Beau says raising an eyebrow.

"What are you on?, Julianna's naming her Rachelle!" I tell beau as i gaze into his eyes.

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