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Hey, guys! Before I start the story, I want to make it clear that the reader graduated the 104th Training Corps. This is so that I don't have to make a bunch of things off of the top of my head (because for God's sake, that wouldn't turn out well,) and so that the story comes out slightly better. I'm also slimming Levi's age down by quite a bit because he's old enough to be my uncle (which is really weird). Let's just pretend that he's in his early to mid-twenties. Just for future reference, if you're shorter than Levi is, then you stuff wedges down your boots so that you're taller than him by an inch or two. If you're taller than he is, that's perfect! This is just to add a touch of comedy to the story (and yes, it is completely necessary).


The first time she had seen him, (Name)'s heart lit up like a thousand fireworks.

She knew it wasn't healthy for her to be head-over-heels in love with her superior, but at this point in her life, she didn't care a single bit. The first month or two that (Name) was around Levi Ackerman, she couldn't speak a word around him in fear that he'd think badly of her. 

This fact, of course, deteriorated over time as she felt more and more comfortable with her corporal. The shy, introverted cadet blossomed into an obnoxiously loud young lady within the span of months, much to the surprise of all her fellow peers. (Name) was probably the most determined and persistent person on the Survey Corps, and to Levi's dismay, those qualities carried on with her whenever she saw him. A perfect example of (Name) at full force would be in the cafeteria for breakfast.

"Hey, dollface. How about a kiss?" The young cadet flirted, placing her lips near Levi's ear. He wrinkled his eyebrows in pure annoyance as he took another sip of his tea.

"(Last Name), boys flock around you every day from dusk to dawn. Why plead for my attention when you can bask in theirs?" Levi rejected her offer, keeping his teacup at the tips of his fingers.

(Name) turned her head around slightly and glanced behind her. A table of boys stared back at her in awe, blushes adorning all of their cheeks as they temporarily stopped eating. (Name) stared at them for a while before she finally got scared of their watchful eyes. She flicked her head back to where it was before focusing back on her captain.

"Because I don't know them," (Name) replied matter-of-factly. Levi scoffed and ignored her presence. She, in return, ignored that he was ignoring her presence. 

(Name) placed the plate of food in her hands next to Levi and slid into the seat next to him. His frown visually deepened as he shot a glare at her.

"You aren't supposed to eat at my table, brat." Levi hissed, shoving her food away from him.

"But Levi, you're so lonely!" (Name) said. His glare became icier.

"It's better than you being here." He retorted, slowly beginning to boil. She writhed in false hurt, clutching the part of her shirt around her heart.

"Levi, you don't mean that!" (Name) gasped dramatically. "You've broken my heart! I don't think that I'll ever forgive you!" She took the opportunity to lean closer to him and whispered the next part into his ear. "Unless, of course, you give me a kiss."

Levi just about exploded right then, the negative aura surrounding him almost scaring her away. (Name) stood her ground bravely, her curiosity keeping her in her seat. Levi stood up abruptly, pulling her wrist away from the table until she had fallen onto the ground with a loud "thump." Everybody in the cafeteria looked up from their food, paused their conversations, or stopped ingesting their drinks. All eyes were on the flirtatious cadet as she was dragged out of the room by the furious corporal, just barely being able to get up on her feet.

"Jesus, Levi! Slow down! I didn't realize that you wanted a kiss that bad!" (Name) teased as she followed him down the halls. The reply she received was the sound of an office door being swung open and her body being flung onto the ground. She groaned in pain as Levi stared down at her, expecting her to get up after he most likely shattered her shoulder.

(Name) did just that, shaking the pain surrounding her arms off vainly. Deciding to make the best of her situation, the cadet nabbed Levi's cravat and pulled him to her chest, successfully caging him between her arms and against his desk. (Name) slowly began to lean in for a kiss. She knew that what she was doing was the complete opposite of what he wanted to happen, but she didn't care. If she could get just one kiss, her life would be complete.

But alas, fate must have been against our heroine that day, because Levi easily shifted underneath her arms and pried her from the office desk in one swift movement. He once again flung her to the ground, not caring if he killed her.

"You are going to stop conversing with me from now on, Cadet," Levi growled before she could stop groaning in pain. "I don't care if you got your leg bitten off, your head caved in, or if you're on the verge of death. If I hear a peep out of you ever again, you will suffer serious consequences. Do I make myself clear?"

"Not a chance." (Name) wheezed, the reply seeping painfully from her vocal chords. Levi's eyes flashed red as he tore her from the ground.

"Say that again, (Last Name). I dare you."

"I'll love you forever and ever, Captain! Nothing can ever stop me from loving you!" (Name) confessed happily, fearing her life but resisting the urge to run.

Levi smirked, and the young cadet's heart flared up. "Ah," he sighed. "I knew you'd say that." He placed his hands on her waist, and she blushed profusely.

"Levi, what are you-"

He brought his lips to her ear and (Name) inhaled sharply. "You know, pain is the most effective punishment." He breathed, tingles running down her ear.

Levi picked (Name) up into his arms, took aim, and chucked her out of the window on the other side of the room. He savored her throaty scream for about three seconds before the cadet collided with the ground, dirt spraying all around her and mud getting up her shirt.

"Stable duty for three weeks!" He called out of the shattered window, grumbling shortly after at how much glass she got on the floor.

(Name) laid there in the dirt for about five minutes, replaying the recent events over in her head and rethinking her life decisions. She finally heaved herself onto her legs, brushed the dirt off of her knees, and walked back into the building to resume breakfast.

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