Love Letters

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"(Name), you've got mail!" Hanji sang cheekily, slipping three letters underneath the wooden door.

Cadet (Name) looked up from her seat on the desk that her roommates shared. She laid her pen down almost immediately and fell to the floor when she attempted to get up from her seat in a rushed manner. Crawling along the floor to reach the letters, (Name) heaved out a breath when she ran her hands along the pieces of paper. She quickly flipped through the small pile of envelopes and smiled when she noticed that her name was written out on them in a very familiar handwriting.

"He kept his promise, guys!" (Name) shouted to the other occupants of the room. Her friends had looked up briefly at the noise she made but otherwise paid no attention to her strange antics.

(Name) carefully opened up the first envelope in an attempt to not ruin the packaging and slipped out the letter.

My lovely (Name),

The cadet exhaled a dreamy sigh.

Life back here isn't as interesting without your comforting gaze.

The corporal has looked at me a few times in the past week, but she hasn't tried to make contact with me besides the regular kick into the forest. I'm not sure if she would like it if I left some flowers in her office. The last time I did, she stormed into my room when I was sleeping and stuffed them down my shirt.

I was wondering if you liked anything in particular so that I could give it to her? That is if you don't mind of course. If I don't have a chance with her, I'd rather stick with you. Actually, now that I think about it, it would probably be better if I stuck with you. I'm not sure how a long-distance relationship would work out, though. Living in separate universes will prove difficult. And switching each other out would probably be deadly on the behalf of the universe with the two of us in it. Imagine a universe with two corporals! They'd probably kill each other before even taking a glance at the Titans.

Write back soon!

Awaiting your reply,

Levi Ackerman

"Oh my god, guys," (Name) pressed the letters to her chest, "I think I found the one." Out of her peripheral vision, she caught Ymir rolling her eyes. She mockingly rolled her eyes back, giving Ymir a playful smirk afterward.

"Alright, Juliet. What did Romeo profess to you?" Ymir teased, sitting up on her bed. She held her face in her hands to display mock interest and raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah! Did he propose to you or something? What's got you all jelly-legged?" Sasha butted in, pausing her make-out session with a stolen bowl of mashed potatoes.

(Name) open her mouth to reply, but Mikasa beat her to it. "One of these days she's going to come in this room and she's going to tell us that she's running away with Levi. That they're gonna escape the walls and live a life by the sea or some crap like that."

"I'll come with you!" Christa offered, putting down her book. "We'll all come with you! You'll need protection from the Titans! And people to babysit the children you have with Levi!"

"Woah, woah, woah. Too far, Christa." (Name) chastised. "I'm not gonna have kids with Levi. If I wanted a child, I'd adopt a dog or a cat."

"You don't know that," Sasha said darkly. "One night you guys just might be cuddling or something but then you take it too far. The next thing you know, you're knocked up and on the streets begging for food for your unborn midget children-"

"SASHA!" The whole room screamed. Mikasa slapped the back of her head, making the brunette cower in shame. She detached herself from the conversation and buried her face in her mashed potatoes.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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