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"Levi, darling!" (Name) called, batting her eyelashes and flirtasiously toying with her hair.

"I don't have time for this," Levi growled. He turned away as the infatuated girl sauntered over to him.

"I just wanted to remind you that I love you!" (Name) chimed, reaching out to move a strand of hair away from his forehead. He batted her hand away and she winced as it made sudden contact with the table. Her limb made the sound of a snapping twig, but she paid no mind to it as she turned to her corporal, feeling quite betrayed. "Why do you treat me this way?"

"Tch! I don't freaking know. Maybe it's because you're so *dang* annoying all the time!" He hissed. (Name)'s face twisted up into the expression of guilt and misery as she fled outside into a field outside of the Survey Corps.

"You okay?" Hanji suddenly materialized beside her.

"No." (Name) sobbed, large tears welling up in her eyes. "Everyone hates me!"

"Well, then you need to prove to them that you're worth their time!" Hanji suggested.

"Yeah!" (Name) shouted, everything making sense now.

(Name) was flying through the trees as everyone watched her, awe dancing in their eyes. She sliced the necks of dozens of Titans. Cadets and even some of her superiors clapped at her handiwork.

"Wow, (Name)! You're so amazing!" Erwin cried, lifting her up onto his shoulders. "You've been promoted!"

Everybody surrounding them cheered. (Name) gushed and accepted the compliments until she was pulled down from Erwin's shoulders. It was Levi.

"(Name), I was wrong about you! I love you! Please! Marry me!" Levi begged, shaking her shoulders and attempting to pull her into a kiss.

(Name) knotted her eyebrows in confusion. When Levi showed no signs of stopping, her superior's actions started to scare her. The last straw was when Levi wrapped his arms around her and squeezed her until even she became very uncomfortable.

(Name)'s lungs inhaled gallons of oxygen before she opened her mouth wide and screamed until her throat began to rip up and bleed. She suddenly opened her eyes to see if Levi was still on her and noticed that she was completely alone in a white, empty room.

"Hello?" She called. There was no answer. White curtains that hung from an open window tossed and turned in the wind. She went over to peer outside the window and investigate her surroundings. Outside was a beautiful meadow. (Name) smiled and wriggled out of the minimalist room and into the pretty nature scene.

(Name) walked around for a while staring at the trees and twirling around in the white dress she was fashioned in. She was wandering around for a while before she found a dirt path sitting between a few sprouts of flowers. Deciding to follow it on a whim, (Name) strolled down the path until she heard someone call her name.

"(Name)!" She recognized the voice, but she couldn't place the person behind it. (Name) trotted down the path until it brought her to a large picnic blanket. Sat down on top of it was Eren, Mikasa, and Armin. They were all wearing semi-formal clothes, with Mikasa in a sundress and the two boys in white button-up shirts and black pants.

"Hi, guys!" (Name) chimed, sitting down next to Eren. They all greeted her individually before Mikasa reached over to the picnic basket in the middle of all of them and started passing out sandwiches and lemonade.

"It's been a while since we were able to all bond like this," Armin commented, taking a sip of his lemonade daintily. Everyone nodded and took a bite out of their jelly sandwiches. A bit of the jelly squeezed out of Eren's and dropped onto his trousers. The four confidants laughed as he desperately attempted to wipe it off with the picnic blanket.

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