Piggy-Back Ride

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(Name) silently crept up behind the unsuspecting man, glancing behind her every so often at the group of girls who were rapidly shaking their heads in discouragement.

"Oh my god, she's actually going to do it," Christa whispered in disbelief.

"There's no way she's going to make it," Mikasa murmured, worry displayed across her face.

"What do you think her final words will be?" Ymir inquired silently.

The cadet tiptoed up to her corporal cautiously until she was directly behind him. She looked back at her friends one last time before she did it, a huge smile plastered across her face. Everybody was silent, awaiting her death in complete horror.

(Name), in the time span of a second, leaned down and wrapped her arms around Corporal Levi's waist, heaving him upwards and hoisting his weight onto her back. Directly after she had made the decision to do this, she realized the fatal flaw in her plan; her captain was much heavier than he looked.

(Name) struggled to keep him up in her arms for a good three seconds before her knees gave out and she dropped him back on the ground. Bending over at the waist, she clutched her spine to ease the pain it had recently endured.

"Jesus Christ, Levi! What do you eat?" (Name) grunted, air failing to enter her lungs properly.

She looked up to see her superior slowly turn his head around to face her. (Name) gulped when she realized that his eyes were glowing a menacing red.


"How long do you think she's been doing that?" Ymir laughed, staring at her roommate in amusement.

"A good hour, I'd presume," Mikasa replied, cracking a smile herself.

They watched (Name) trot her twentieth lap around the Survey Corps. She was exhausted, dehydrated, and close to collapse. On her back was a single very short man, yelling at her to go faster.

(Name) wasn't sure what she expected to happen after she pulled her stunt. But never in a million years would she have guessed that Captain Levi would force her to run around the building while giving him a piggy-back ride. It sounded like something that would happen in one of her weird dreams.

"When... stop?" She croaked, choking on her words.

"We'll stop when you pass out from exhaustion." Corporal Levi answered. "Now go faster, you brat!"

"But... I'll... die!" (Name) cried, stopping in her tracks to bring him up higher onto her waist.

"I don't care if you spontaneously combust, you pig. Vite, vite, vite!"

"Non! Je suis fatigue! Ça va mal!" (Name) wheezed out her bad French and proceeded to fall onto the dirt with Levi still sitting on her back.

He huffed in disgust when he had to stand up and pick her up off of the ground. Levi grabbed her by the hair and briefly turned his head to the right in order to make eye contact with the group of girls that stared back at him. Levi's eyes narrowed as he watched them avert their eyes in fear and continue to train.


"How long was I out?" (Name) groaned, placing her palm against her sweaty forehead. Mikasa leaned over her fellow cadet and grabbed the glass of water on the nightstand, handing it over to (Name) afterward.

"Only an hour or two." She replied as she watched the young woman chug the glass. "I'm surprised you managed to carry the corporal around for so long. By the look on your face, he must have weighed a ton of bricks."

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