Star-Crossed Lovers

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Hanji walked into the cafeteria blissfully unaware about what she was going to have to survive that day. She strolled in with a huge smile on her face until she stopped in her tracks, sudden confusion being written across her face. Everybody in the cafeteria was staring at a singular spot on a table in the middle of the room, their eyes bugging out of their heads. Hanji followed everybody's stares to that singular spot until her own eyes landed on the scene and grew to the size of saucers.

There, sitting in her seat, was Cadet (Name) (Last Name). She was casually leaning up against a figure famous across the Survey Corps, her arm resting on his shoulders and her right side pressing up against his left. (Name) was staring at the boy with affection and wonderment shining in her eyes like stars. She was whispering sweet, nonsensical things into his ear, and he was listening back with a bewildered look in his eyes.

The odd-thing-out in this picture was the fact that (Name) had managed to lure somebody into her clutches. There was also the fact that this man was not, in fact, Levi Ackerman, the only person that (Name) had intended to be lured into her clutches. A melodic laugh filled the otherwise silent room as (Name) giggled into Armin Arlert's ear. Hanji's jaw unhinged as it fell to the ground.

"I thought I'd never see the day..." Sasha mumbled, her dumbfounded expression mirroring everyone else's. She was sitting down on a table that was very close to (Name)'s, her voice penetrating the soundless room like a hot knife through butter.

"What? When (Name) stopped drooling over Captain Shorty or when she actually got somebody to listen to her pick-up lines?" Ymir's attempt at softening the blow fell on deaf ears, as everybody was too focused on comprehending the sight before them.

Hanji glided over to the table that (Name)'s roommates sat at, looking for somebody to share her astonishment with. "Oh, gosh," she murmured, aiming her statement for Mikasa. "Wait until Shortcake gets over here. He'll be driven to insanity."

As if on cue, a certain Corporal slammed open the doors, making them hit the walls with an Earth-shattering bang! The people in the cafeteria whipped their heads around to stare at Captain Levi as he prowled the room until he finally took a seat at his table. He sent around a penetrating glare; daring anybody to step too close.

"Hey! Why is it so quiet in here, brats?! Get to eating! Training will begin at eight-thirty!" Captain Levi barked, startling everybody out of their daze. He gave off one last glare before he started drinking his tea. All at once, the room erupted in mindless chatter.

"(Name)! What are you doing?!" Hanji yelled, dashing over to her friend. The young cadet looked up from Armin's eyes and stared at the scientist in complete confusion. (Name) shifted closer to Armin protectively, scrunching her eyebrows together to do all of the inquiry for her.

"What do you mean? I'm talking to Armin!" (Name) replied, a perplexed look adorning her face. "We were talking about this book we both read." She raised her finger, pointing to the page that the book on Armin's lap was opened to.

"But I thought you liked Levi!" Hanji cried, gesturing at the man that sat a number of tables away. (Name) followed the line of Hanji's flailing hands and smiled. She looked back at Hanji and shook her head as if she were telling an insolent puppy that it had retrieved the wrong stick.

"Oh, him? Not anymore. I realized that it was pointless to chase after him if I didn't have any chance of winning him over," (Name) grinned, sending an affectionate smile over towards Armin. "Besides, who cares about Levi when I have this sweetheart over here?" She squeezed his shoulder and cuddled closer to him.

Hanji raised her eyebrow. "I don't believe you," she said, resting her hands on her hips and frowning. (Name) glared at her.

"Why does it matter so much to you, anyways? You're my friend! You should be happy for me!" (Name) snapped, separating herself from Armin and facing Hanji while huffing in annoyance. The cadet stood up, crossed her arms, and straightened up her back in the attempt to look as intimidating as possible.

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