Chapter 4

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In minutes, I pulled up to Micheal's house.

"Baby, wake up." I said slightly nudging Chres.

"We here already?" He asked drowsily.

"Yeah." I said getting out the car.

I went to his side of the car, opened the door, and picked him up by his thighs. I opened the front door, carried him inside, and laid him on the couch.

I then went back outside to the car and grabbed Royal and his bag. I went back inside and placed Royal in his play pen.

I went back downstairs and grabbed Chres before gently placing him on his bed.

I stripped both him and I to our boxers and laid down next to him.

"You ready to talk about it?" I said, looking into his beautiful eyes that were already glaring into mine.

"No, I just want to cuddle." He replied, shaking his head.

He turned to his side and I wrapped my arm around his waist, bringing his back into my chest.

He cuddled deeper into my chest and I soon heard soft snores.

"Trust issues, trust issues. Trust issues, trust issues." Echoed softly in my head, awakening my thoughts.

I know he'll never lie to me or hide anything from me but I just feel uncertain. I love and trust him so much but he seemed so different in the car. The only times he yells like that is when he's truly upset. I know Chres. When he's upset or angry all he can do is talk your ear off but he hasn't really said a word since we got home. I know it gotta be more than a little argument that went on in that house. I swear, if Jacquees touched either one of my babies, all hell's breaking loose. Nobody fucks with my babies, not even him.

I was abruptly shaken from my thoughts when I heard the sound of soft whimpers.

I looked over to Royal's play pen, only to see him sleeping peacefully. I looked to my left to see Chresanto crying and whimpering softly into the pillows.

"Baby, wake up. Chres, c'mon, wake up." I said, shaking him lightly.

"Jacob." He gasped sleepily with tear stained cheeks.

"Yeah. It's me, baby." I said, kissing his cheek.

"Jacob." He whispered, turning around and shoving his head into my chest.

"What's wrong, Chres?" I asked, combing my fingers through his hair.

"N-Nothing." Chres stuttered, wiping his tears.

"Chres, that's the one thing your not finna sit here and do. Don't lie to me. Tell me what's wrong." I said sternly.

My outburst only caused more tears to flow from his eyes and stain my chest.

"Look, Chres, I'm sorry. Just tell me what's wrong, please." I apologized while lifting his head from my chest to away wipe his tears.

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