Chapter 9

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Next day


"What's wrong, Chressy?" Micheal inquired.

"Everything and I don't know what to do, Mikey." I whined as Micheal began to braid my hair.

"Okay. Well, let's start from the beginning." Micheal said.

"Okay. Well, first, there's Jacob and Jacquees." I said.

"How are you taking every thing?" Micheal asked.

"That's the thing, Mikey. I don't know how to take it. I mean, they both left me. Am I that bad enough of a person to have them both leave? I thought at least Jacob would stay, but I guess I was wrong. I know what I did was wrong but I couldn't help it. I mean, I love Jacob but I will always have a soft spot for Jacquees." I ranted, shedding tears.

"Oh, Chressy. Don't cry. It'll be okay. They're not gone forever, they'll come back." He said as he rubbed my back.

"But what if they don't. Huh, Mikey? Then what am I supposed to do?" I cried.

"Chres, you knew that whether it happened sooner or later this wasn't going to end well." Micheal reminded.

"I know, I just thought I would have a little more time. " I sighed.

"I know. You'll figure it out eventually, Chres." Micheal reinsured.

"What else is going on?" Micheal continued.

"Why does there have to be something else? That's all I have going on, Micheal." I stated.

"Chres, don't lie to me." Micheal warned.

"Fine. I feel how I felt when I was pregnant with Ro'." I admitted quietly.

"What!" Micheal exclaimed loudly as he pulled my hair, causing me to scream.

"Damn, Mikey. That hurt." I whined, rubbing my head.

"Suck it up." He said, rolling his eyes.

"Anyways, what your telling me is that you might be pregnant?" Micheal questioned as he continued to braid my hair.

"Yup." I muttered.

"Please, tell me you know who the father might be." Micheal begged.

"Nope." I replied quietly.

"Chres!" Micheal shouted, pulling my hair once again.

"Mikey, stop pulling my hair." I shouted angrily, rubbing my head again.

"I'll stop pulling hair once you stop whoring around." Micheal mumbled as he began braiding my hair again.

"I heard that, hoe. Stop talking shit." I replied as I rolled my eyes.

"I will when you find out if your pregnant or not." Micheal replied, rolling his eyes.

"No, Mikey. I don't want to think about possibly being pregnant, honestly." I shrugged.

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