Epilogue (Part 1)

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Year later


"Reign, Royalty, please stop crying.I need to go sleep. " I said​ as I held a crying Reign and a crying Royalty.

 " I said​ as I held a crying Reign and a crying Royalty

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"Chres, go to sleep. I'll handle them. Ain't that right?" Micheal said as he took them out of my hands.

"But, Mikey-" I started before I was cut off.

"But nothing Chres. Get some rest, you'll need it for tomorrow." He stated.

"Thanks, Mikey. I owe you." I said.

"You finally moving out will be thanks enough." He said as he rolled his eyes playfully.

I rolled my eyes in response.

"Good night, Mikey. Good night, Reign. Good night, Royalty." I said as I gave each of them a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, Chressy." He replied as he went downstairs.

I then fell on my bed and welcomed a much needed slumber.

"Wakey, wakey, best friend." Micheal said as he shook me lightly.

"Mikey, leave me alone." I groaned.

"Okay, but then you'd be late for your big interview." He teased.

"That's today! Mikey, why didn't you remind me." I exclaimed as I hopped out of bed.

"Thought you would remember a big interview for your dream job, my bad." He said sarcastically.

"I don't need the sarcasm. Just get out so I can get dressed." I stated.

Once he was gone, I then got up and picked out a outfit.

Once he was gone, I then got up and picked out a outfit

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