Chapter 5

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Next day


"I know, Chres, I know. Let it out." Micheal said, rubbing my back as I cried.

"He's gone, Mikey. He's gone and it's all because of me." I cried harder into his neck.

"It's not your fault, Chressy. He did it to protect you and it's not like your never going to see him again. We can always go up there to visit." He reinsured.

"Can we go now?" I asked as I pulled away sniffling and rubbing my tear-ridden eyes.

"Yeah. Get dressed." Micheal said as he walked out the door.

I quickly got up and went to my dresser to get out an outfit.

After getting dressed, I then went over to Royal's side of the room and picked him out an outfit

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After getting dressed, I then went over to Royal's side of the room and picked him out an outfit.

After getting dressed, I then went over to Royal's side of the room and picked him out an outfit

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I went over to Royal's play pen and picked him up. I got him dressed and placed him on my hip.

I walked downstairs happily, only to be greeted by moans.

"Lijah." I heard Micheal moan from the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen to see Elijah kissing Micheal's neck, who sat on the kitchen counter, as he stood between his legs.

I cleared my throat causing Elijah and Micheal to stop what they were doing.

"Hey, best friend." I said with a smirk as I rummaged in the refrigerator for a snack for Royal.

"H-Hey, best friend." Micheal stuttered as a tiny tint of red appeared on his face.

"Where's Maya and Miya?" I asked as I took a seat next to them feeding Royal some apple slices.

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